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AMBIEN (ZOLPIDEM TARTRATE) reviews and ratings reports

The average rating for AMBIEN (ZOLPIDEM TARTRATE): 6

Reviews 1113
Votes 1113

Key to ratings for AMBIEN (ZOLPIDEM TARTRATE):
1 (Dissatisfied) - I would not recommend taking this medicine.
2 (Not Satisfied)- This medicine did not work to my satisfaction.
3 (Somewhat Satisfied) - This medicine helped somewhat.
4 (Satisfied) - This medicine helped.
5 (Very Satisfied) - This medicine cured me or helped me a great deal.

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cronic insomnia
by Reviewer93567
on July 15, 2010
Sex: F
Age: 60.0
Side effects: Intermittent amnesia for daytime activities, including places visited on vacation (where I was the driver). Also had serious adverse reaction (hallucinations) when I took a decongestant for fluid in my inner ear.
Time taken and dosage: 12 months10 mg 1X D
Review: This was prescribed by my physician. It works fine for allowing sleep at night, but also affects behavior during the day. One may drive, have conversations, make decisions, but not actually be fully awake (or responsible). I will never take Ambien again. There are worse things than not being able to sleep.
by Reviewer93568
on July 12, 2010
Sex: F
Age: 52.0
Side effects:
Time taken and dosage: 2 days10 mg 1X D
Review: Night eating at times but this condition first appeared when I was in college. Don't talk on the phone or get on your computer after you take it.
wake up 3am
by Reviewer93569
on July 11, 2010
Sex: F
Age: 59.0
Side effects:
Time taken and dosage: 5 days30mg 1X AN
Not sleeping well
by Reviewer93570
on July 10, 2010
Sex: M
Age: 48.0
Side effects: I did not know there were side effects until I visited this website. I am one of the lucky ones. I can break it into quarters and it works like a charm. I am a 240 lb. male who at 48 years old went from the best sleeper I know, to the worst in about six months. Talked to my Dr. and he recommended Ambien, which was ok, but I would wake up after about three hours and was right back to where I started, but now it was 2:00 am and did not dare to take another. The Ambien CR was the trick and it changed my life back to normal.
Time taken and dosage: 12.5 2X W
long term insomnia
by Reviewer93571
on July 9, 2010
Sex: M
Age: 37.0
Side effects: Short term memory lapses, loss of memory of events that occur after taking ambien. Loss of inhibition (sex with husband occasionally that is apparently awesome but sometimes not remembered), waking up and eating- this happens frequently. Usually things that I don't remember immediately will come to me later in the morning. I also watch my DVR shows in bed sometimes then watch them again during the day because I don't remember what the show was about. But, if taken properly and with some expectation that these things can happen you can prevent dangerous outcomes. Let your friends and family know not to pay attention to emails and facebook posts after 11, make sure you already have a yummy snack or leftovers convenient to grab so you don't cook or trash your kitchen etc. if you do that it helps with the anxiety of not being sure if you can trust yourself.
Time taken and dosage: 2 years10mg 1X D
by Reviewer93572
on July 8, 2010
Sex: F
Age: 54.0
Side effects: I took my first pill last night, awoke at 4:30am realizing I had peed myself. Thank goodness I had absorbant bamboo sleep pants on. Will not ever take again. I prefer to be continent!
Time taken and dosage: CR 1X D
to counter narcolepsy med
by Reviewer93573
on July 5, 2010
Sex: F
Age: 63.0
Side effects: Med I take during the day to stay awake due to narcolepsy was keeping me from sleeping at night. Initially, it was magical. I felt so much better during the day cause I was sleeping 7-8 hrs. at night.
Time taken and dosage: 18 months12.5 cr 1X D
Review: I have noticed progressively worse short term memory loss and never associated it with ambien until now. I think I'm going to stop it. The memory loss is scaring me.
Insomnia during pregnancy
by Reviewer93574
on July 3, 2010
Sex: F
Age: 39.0
Side effects: The only thing I noticed when I take Ambien is that I dream more.
Time taken and dosage: 1 years10mg 1X D
Review: Other than that, it has been a big help. I started suffering from insomnia during my 8th month of pregnancy last year so bad that I thought I was going insane. My OB/GYN prescribed it to me. I was hesitant since I was pregnant but she said the baby would be fine. I was finally able to get a good night's sleep. After I gave birth to my son, the insomnia was still there but I had already stopped taking them a week before I delivered. Four days after I had him, I was still awake no matter what time I went to bed. My doctor advised me to take Ambien again even though I was breastfeeding, it wouldn't affect the baby. Well, after being awake for four days, I was at ease. I am now taking Ambien again because within the past week I have been having bouts of insomnia again. Thank goodness it works and I can rest.
by Reviewer93575
on June 30, 2010
Sex: F
Age: 32.0
Side effects: nothing but sleep
Time taken and dosage: 5 years10 mgs 1X D
Review: There are a lot of negative comments here. And a lot of demands to pull this drug from the market, etc. But my experience has been so positive, I almost feel like this has saved my sanity. My insomnia became so bad that I was almost being pushed over the edge--horrible toughts at 4am, like "what's so wrong with me that I can't just sleep?!" I started down a path of heavy drinking to try to knock myself out, it was getting ugly. And my family doctor was reluctant to prescibe this drug. Finally found a doc who would, now I take one, go to bed and sleep. Life is good again!! Everyone's story is different, but used properly, this can be a lifesaver!
by Reviewer93576
on June 28, 2010
Sex: F
Age: 35.0
Side effects: sleep walking, confusion, mood changes
Time taken and dosage: 2 years20 MG 1X D
Review: My husband has been on Ambien 20mg for 2 years for severe insomnia - he's been in the hospital a few times after going 5 to 6 days without more than 1-2 hours of sleep. I thought the delerium and hallucinations were bad when he didn't sleep, but the ambien makes it so much worse. He still doesn't sleep regularly, is up and down, and when he doesn't sleep he is so detatched and confused he has started 3 fires in the house, tried to walk down the street at 3am, etc. This is a horrible drug, and incredibly dangerous. I know it works well for some people, and it did for him in the beginning, but I don't think it should ever be used long term. After a recent increase in sleepwalking, confusion and memory loss, his doctor has finally taken him off ambien. After testing with a heart doctor, the doctor may look at some non-conventional drugs for sleep, but none of the sleeping pills seem to work for him. I sympathise with anyone dealing with insomnia, but especially for those living with someone with insomnia - sometimes I think I'm going crazy just from dealing with him. I really hope anyone using ambien has someone living with them that can alert them if they start showing any of these symptoms, otherwise the dangers can be incredibly high. Good luck to all of you dealing with insomnia.
by Reviewer93577
on June 25, 2010
Sex: F
Age: 37.0
Side effects: None.
Time taken and dosage: 4 years10 MG 1X D
Review: I've had insomnia for about 10 years. Ambien is the only medicine that I've taken for sleep that doesn't have side-effects such as morning drowsiness. It is a reliable medicine that never lets me down.
by Reviewer93578
on June 24, 2010
Sex: F
Age: 53.0
Side effects: Memory issues.
Time taken and dosage: 3 years10 mg. 1X D
Review: I am honest enough to admit that this drug scares me. But it's also the only thing that has helped me to sleep. One of my earliest memories was laying awake not sleeping and as I entered my 40's it started to take it's toll. The memory issues occur when I take the pill and do something before going to bed. I know I should not do that but since it takes a while to work, it's hard to not "use" that time. The key is that after I see what I did after taking the pill (like seeing that I'd gone in and cleaned up in the kitchen) then I remember doing it. So the memory is not totally lost, just masked by the drug. At this time I have made a decision to accept this since it has been so helpful in keeping my life together. I need sleep. This is my chosen way.
by Reviewer93579
on June 23, 2010
Sex: F
Age: 49.0
Side effects: Didn't always work, extremely groggy the next day if you don't get 8 hours of sleep on it. Horrible side affects when you stop taking it.
Time taken and dosage: 21 days10 mg 1X D
Review: I was given Ambien for insomnia. The first night I took it, it worked great and I slept 8 hours. The next night I slept 6. The third night I slept 2 hours and was a zombie the next day. After taking it off and on for three weeks, I decided to try Melatonin since it is non-addictive. The Ambien gave me terrible anxiety and horrible night mares. I had not had night mares in years, so it was definitely the Ambien. It took me a couple of weeks for it to completely be out of my system. I now use Melatonin Spray, Simalisin homeopathic sleep aid, and Vitamin B5 to sleep. No nightmares or grogginess the next day and no addiction.
by Reviewer93580
on June 21, 2010
Sex: F
Age: 51.0
Side effects: Absolutely none.
Time taken and dosage: 6 months10 mg 1X D
Review: I am presently taking 10 mg of Ambien and have not experienced any weird side effects at all. My physician was very firm in her instructions to not take the pill until physically getting into bed. I do and sleep great and finally wake up feeling rested (and at an early hour). I have had chronic depression/panic disorder for almost 15 years and this drug along with my other meds have given me my life back in a way better way. Ambien is a sleeping pill people. Unless you sleep standing up, don't take it and walk around, etc. If used correctly (like any other drug) it is a perfectly safe drug. Please don't pass up taking Ambien because of these crazy postings, just use common sense when taking your meds.
chronic insomnia
by Reviewer93581
on June 21, 2010
Sex: F
Age: 46.0
Side effects: There is help to allow you to sleep and IT IS NOT AMBIEN. I posted some months ago that this is the devil's drug and a portal to hell - and I still believe that.
Time taken and dosage: 1 days5 mg 1X D
Review: First, the help that is out there is Seroquel and can be prescribed by your doctor. It does not make you "high" (for those that are addicted or pre-disposed to get a high, you won't like it). My experience with Ambien almost ruined my marriage and my life. I went off cold turkey and of course suffered the consequences of a racing heart and lack of any sleep. My doctor (God bless him) prescribed me Seroquel and I am out in 15 or 20 minutes and sleep through the night uninterrupted (I can be awakened if needed and function properly, though a little tired). It is actually a drug to treat bipolar disorder - I am guessing the manic side of the disease... Anyway, I wanted to share this to anyone that suffers the hell of insomnia and is looking to an alternative. For me, there is absolutely no Ambien-type effects and while groggy for the first 10 minutes or so in the morning, the rest of my day is beautiful. ALL drugs manipulate our brains and like many, I wish I could get by without them. Seroquel for sleep is as close to sanity and peace that I have experienced in a long time. God bless those suffering from addictions and from the crazy games our brains can play on us - includin not letting us sleep. Keep trying - there is help and after YEARS of hell, I found it. I hope you do too. And PS: Those of you that claim to take Ambien without any side effects at all and call the rest of us addicts...well....maybe rethink your motives of belittling others.
occasional insomnia
by Reviewer93582
on June 19, 2010
Sex: F
Age: 53.0
Side effects: mild aphasia - difficulty finding the proper word
Time taken and dosage: 3 months5 mg 1X AN
Review: I take zolpidem (generic ambien) a couple of times a week.My primary difficulty is waking during the night with hot flashes then being unable to fall back to sleep for an hour or more, being wakened again an hour or two later - as many as 3 times in an 8 hour period, being awake 1-2 hours each time. Since it is usually too late in the night to take a zolpidem, I typically take one the next night to avoid building up a sleep deficit. On the days after I have taken a zolpidem I have noticed more difficulty in finding the right words.
Severe life long insomnia
by Reviewer93583
on June 17, 2010
Sex: F
Age: 42.0
Side effects: Don't remember conversations prior to falling asleep
Time taken and dosage: 2 years10 1X D
Review: I had heard all the experiences, I had taken Lunesta, Rozerem, Trazadone, etc. When you haven't slept 8 hours since you were under the age of 13, you are willing to take the risk. The first weeks were great. I fell asleep within 15 minutes. Since then, there are nights I take it and it doesn't work. I usually only get 4-5 hours of sleep out of it, but for me, any hours that are consecutive, are worth it. I recently had surgery and was on pain medication, so I went two months without my Ambien and I didn't crave it. I have no fear of addiction. And those conversations I don't remember are usually with the spouse and he's used to it. This drug has hurt a lot of people, I know, but it has helped those of us who can't live another day without a few hours of quality sleep.
Was diagnosed with Graves Disease i
by Reviewer93584
on June 16, 2010
Sex: F
Age: 36.0
Side effects: At first there was always a circus in my bedroom. I thought it was funny, until the animals started talking to me and I started talking back to them. Then there was the eating and the drinking. I would wake up in the morning missing food. And of course I would do a great deal of choking too. one time I woke up eating a nacho bell grande from Taco bell so I know I had been driving while I was on this stuff, so I stopped taking it. Went a few years and then the waking up in the middle of the night and not being able to go back to sleep started again so I started taking it again.....even when I did not need it. Then last year...I lost my job. I became so depressed that I would take it during the day just so I would not have to deal with life. Started seeing 3 doctors who would give me prescriptions. This I later found out is called "Dr. shopping" and is illegal. I have now been working for 10 months and I am trying to deal with the real cause of my insomnia which is my
Time taken and dosage: 5 years10mg 1X D
Review: For me, Ambien is a great drug. I have gotten beyond the dangerous side effects because for me, sleep is no joke. I take the pill and go to bed. I have an appointment on 6/18/2010 with a sleep specialist to discuss my issues and to get me back on my ambien, but this time in a more responsible manner. I hope she gives me the 20 mgs and that I can move on with my life. I can only pray that I get my ability to sleep on my own back. But until then, I have to do what I must. This will be the only doctor I will be getting my Rx more Dr. shopping. I know this drug is addictive but so is crack and since I have a choice...I'm going with the ambien.
Severe insomnia
by Reviewer93585
on June 4, 2010
Sex: M
Age: 46.0
Side effects: Sleep
Time taken and dosage: 2 years10 1X D
Review: Ambien is the only thing that has ever worked for me. Changed my life. Regular people have no idea what it's like to go thru your entire life in a sleep deprived state. Ambien is a life saver. I've had none of the neg side effects some have described. It's like we're talking about 2 diff drugs. I would recommend to anyone who has severe insomnia.
by Reviewer93586
on June 3, 2010
Sex: F
Age: 20.0
Side effects: Even more difficulty sleeping than usual (I slept off and on for only 2.5 hrs). The ceiling and door frame was moving around. It felt like a combination of smoking weed and that feeling right before anesthesia knocks you out.
Time taken and dosage: 2 days5-10 mg 1X D
Review: It was calming and I wouldn't have minded the weird visual stuff if I wasn't desperate to sleep. I now understand why one of my friends does it recreationally. I honestly thought she was making stuff up.
by Reviewer93587
on June 2, 2010
Sex: M
Age: 37.0
Side effects: Physical addiction, withdrawal, euphoria, loss of motor control, severe depression, anger, suicidal ideations,slurred speech, ravenous hunger, uncontrolled behaviors, highly unsafe sexual conduct, dangerous driving, dynamic mood swings, heart palpitations, severe memory loss
Time taken and dosage: 6 years10 4X D
Review: So those were the "main" side effects I described. And like any good highly addicting substance, all the wreckage that goes along with it. Strain on family, destroyed relationships, job loss, etc etc. This is perhaps the most insidious drug on the market today for one reason. Opiates, benzodiazepenes, tranquilizers, you do -NOT- see commercials for on TV because there deleterious effects are well documented. Not so with Ambien though a growing body of evidence is starting to develop rapidly. The drug is horrifically addicting and like many here I found my dosage going up and up, and the physical addiction became inescapable in very short order. 6 years of my life were taken from me, and after lots of time around recovery people and a rehab I found out this drug is -quite- common in addiction circles. I absolutely do not doubt any of the horror stories I have read here because I lived many of them personally. The medication makes a truckload of money for Sanofi-Aventis so it is well worth their effort to sweep most of this under the collective rug. However with the various stories from around the internet and even the comments here I could easily see an actionable class based legal proceeding getting some traction. Summary: Only take this medication or recommend it if you -really- hate yourself or the person you are giving it too.
sleep disorder
by Reviewer93588
on May 29, 2010
Sex: F
Age: 40.0
Side effects: I would give it a 5 if it wasn't for the hallucination like things I experienced a few times. Else than that I had no side effects at all, but if I took them for several nights on a row, I got rebound nightmares one night after stopping the med. These days I get much worse "side effects" and cannot take it, I start feeling feverish and bad. I didn't feel that at all the first 7 years I took it now and then, so I think I developed an allergy.
Time taken and dosage: 7 years5-10 mg 1X AN
Review: Ambien is the best sleep med I've tried and I tried almost all of them. Nothing is as good when it comes to put me to sleep, and in a nice way. However, the med is activating, so sometimes (I have depression too), it lifted my depression and then I didn't want to sleep. The really bad things don't happen to MOST people, however is is quite common to have some episodes of experience altered states or hallucination like things. It can be a great med, but of course when you start taking it, it doesn't hurt to be on some kind of watch. Doctors should always inform about this so you can make arrangements so you cannot leave the house "asleep".
To get high
by Reviewer93589
on May 27, 2010
Sex: M
Age: 42.0
Side effects: Memory loss, hallucinations, fuzzy head good feeling, makes everything look different.
Time taken and dosage: 1 months70mg 1X D
Review: I used to take for sleep. No more than 10mg but noticed I hallucinated once. So me being a drug addict thought I'll peel of the outer coating and snort them. Well that got way outta hand. My family said I became delirious and would walk around the house pouring juice into ice cream and talking to invisible people and even taking my dog on a 3am walk. Poor doggie ;) No more I'm addicted and don't even remember 80% of what the heck happened. Works ok for sleep but deffinitely not a long term medicine.
by Reviewer93590
on May 25, 2010
Sex: F
Age: 38.0
Side effects: None
Time taken and dosage: 5 years10 mg 1X D
Review: I take only 1/4 to 1/2 a 10 mg. pill - it's just enough to push me over into sleep - takes the edge off. I wake too early (terminal insomnia) and am early perimenopausal but the ambien helps me to get at least 6 to 6 1/2 hours sleep. Can't take Ambien CR or the full 10mg Ambien as it causes lingering grogginess the next day. I think that adjusting the dosage and not taking the full 10 mg. greatly reduces adverse events/effects/addiction. I have taken Ambien off and on for 5 years and am not addicted. Reducing anxiety through yoga/exercise/diet/meditation helps much more than any sleeping aid.
unable to sleep due to stress
by Reviewer93591
on May 25, 2010
Sex: F
Age: 46.0
Side effects: In 2006 I was experiencing a lot of stress and was unable to sleep. My doctor prescribed Ambien. It worked and I took it for several months before deciding that I should probably taper off of it. I then had the "brilliant" idea that I would take it only on Sunday night only so as to be refreshed for the week. I had side effects but I didn't realize it was from the Ambien. I had headaches that wouldn't stop. I would guess that I had a horrible headache for one solid year. I would come home from work and feel exhausted and thought if I laid down and took a nap that it would be o.k. because I could take an ambien at night to sleep. What a vicous , ugly cycle. I woke up several times unable to breath, had black-out like periods where I can't remember anything. Sexual experiences that I sort of remebered things I thought I had done but really couldn't. I felt sluggish all day at work and just felt flat and some what depressed. Finally on my birthday this year I decided to stop usi
Time taken and dosage: 3.5 years10 mg 1X D
Review: Doctors need to use caution when prescribing this medicine. My doctor prescribed it and didn't try anything else. He also encouraged me to use it periodically as I felt needed.
by Reviewer93592
on May 25, 2010
Sex: F
Age: 36.0
Time taken and dosage: 5 years10 1X D
I am addicted to it still.
by Reviewer93593
on May 22, 2010
Sex: F
Age: 29.0
Side effects: oh gosh,obesity,waking up naked in an ugly man's room,and not being careful enough with lighting a candle before going to bed so the fire was almost to the floor. It is still the worst thing that has ever happened to me-Ambien!
Time taken and dosage: 10 years 4X D
Review: It is evil incarnate,second only to the pediphile priests.
by Reviewer93594
on May 21, 2010
Sex: F
Age: 53.0
Side effects: sudden hungersexual aggressionloss of memory & timenightmares began after several yearsfeelings of not being able to get a grip on the day.....tiredfoggy feeling and quit enjoying life
Time taken and dosage: 16 years10 mg 1X D
Review: please do not get started on this drug. I have found that it controls me mentally. I did sleep with it....but the side effects are worse that not sleeping. I quit cold turkey a week ago and I am already experiencing brighter days!
by Reviewer93595
on May 19, 2010
Sex: F
Age: 21.0
Side effects: sleep walking,sexual aggressive
Time taken and dosage: 1 years10mg 1X D
Review: One night i stayed up watching tv in bed after taking my ambien,my boyfriend said i got up saying i was cooking biscuits ,i turned the stove top on instead of the oven,im very thankful he was there to turn it off behind me and didnt burn the apartments down,then he said i kept asking if anybody else was in the house??repeativly?and said i was very agressive during sex and nothing like "myself" very scary experience
by Reviewer93596
on May 19, 2010
Sex: M
Age: 38.0
Side effects: Waking up during the night - unable to fall back to sleep; severe anxiety in the mornings, mind racing, suicidal thoughts
Time taken and dosage: 10 days10mg 1X D
Review: My husband has no history of mental illness. He recently lost his job and had been having trouble sleeping from the stress. Took Ambien just a handful of times and always woke up in the middle of the night very agitated and desperate...never able to fall back to sleep. He kept saying "mornings are the worst" when talking about how he was feeling. I had to drive him to the ER early this morning for suicidal thoughts and panic. I now think the doctor should have treated the depression/anxiety and the sleep would have naturally followed. I just had to explain to my young kids that daddy wasn't coming home for a couple of days. I believe he had a paradoxical affect of this drug. Do not take this medicine if you also have anxiety, panic, or depression.
by Reviewer93597
on May 17, 2010
Sex: F
Age: 25.0
Side effects: Sleep eating nearly whenever I take it. I was in an ambien coma the other night half conscious, and thought I was going to die because i ate so much. Ive woken in the morning thinking I dreampt about eating out of the trashcan only to find I really did. And the worst, most humiliating thing I have even done, I went #2 in my boyfirends closet after having 2 beers and taking an ambien. It puts me to sleep like a miracle, but after all of these things happening I am back to just taking benedryl. Ambien is dangerous stuff. BE CAREFUL!
Time taken and dosage: 1 years10mg 1X D
by Reviewer93598
on May 16, 2010
Sex: F
Age: 26.0
Side effects: daytime grogginess
Time taken and dosage: 1 months10 mg 1X D
Review: I love Ambien! It was a lifesaver! It knocks me out fast & usually keeps me asleep for 6-7 hours. I didn't have any bad side effects and would recommend this drug to anyone having insomnia.
by Reviewer93599
on May 16, 2010
Sex: M
Age: 45.0
Side effects:
Time taken and dosage: 1X D
not sleeping
by Reviewer93600
on May 14, 2010
Sex: F
Age: 66.0
Side effects:
Time taken and dosage: 10 years10mg. 1X D
by Reviewer93601
on May 14, 2010
Sex: F
Age: 42.0
Side effects: Nothing, at first. It was a drug sent from heaven!
Time taken and dosage: 60 days10 mg 1X D
Review: That's why I'm rating this a 3. I was suffering horribly from sleep deprivation, and my whole family has insomnia. It just runs in our family. I was shoving my H during the night if he snored too loudly or jumped around, and I could barely see straight from lack of sleep. So I finally broke down and ordered some Ambien. It was a miracle drug for the first 6-8 weeks. I knew to be careful of it, so I'd look at the clock every night at 9:30, take my pill, and go to bed 30 minutes later. I had no "sleeping pill hangover" and woke every morning at 5:30 and got my work done. Then the pharmacist told me you shouldn't take it every night, because you build up a tolerance, and I read the horror stories here. But what is worse--tossing and turning all night long and feeling like a zombie the next day? You have to weigh the pros and cons.I only drank alcohol about once every 2 weeks so these warnings didn't concern me. I got carried away after a few glasses of wine, apparently. I woke up one morning to discover a can of fruit cocktail on my desk, and I had no recollection of eating anything.So I gave the bottle to my H and told him to dole it out if I felt I needed it. I've been doing one day off, one day on, but now I cannot SLEEP!!! Anyone who has ever suffered from sleep deficit can understand how horrible this is. My heart is pounding like mad and will not stop racing. If I could only get some sleep...My GP said this new Ambien CR is much better
After surgery
by Reviewer93602
on May 11, 2010
Sex: F
Age: 55.0
Side effects: Nightmares of not being able to breath, I think it was a nightmare. Terrible anxiety, couldn't concentrate, dizzy, forgetful, feeling drugged, shaky. This is the worst drug that I have ever taken in my life. I became so overwhelmed with anxiety I thought being dead would be a relief. It should be taken off the market. A friend of mine sleepwalked when she took it. Taking this drug was worse than the surgery. I would rather have a few sleepless nights than take this drug. It didn't help much anyway as I would wake up after my nightmares.
Time taken and dosage: 4 days 1X D
sleep problems
by Reviewer93603
on May 6, 2010
Sex: M
Age: 57.0
Side effects: severe stomach and digestive problems
Time taken and dosage: 9 months12.5 1X D
Review: Started having digestive problems almost immediately. Got more and more severe. Lost over 30 lbs rather quickly. Stopped taking the product and symptoms stopped almost immediately. Went to the Dr. he ordered all sorts of tests including colonoscopy and told me there was no way it was the Ambian. All the tests came back fine and clear. Have not taken the Ambian again and my appetite is returning and my digestive problems have completely cleared up.
by Reviewer93604
on April 29, 2010
Sex: F
Age: 35.0
Side effects: occasional daytime sleepiness
Time taken and dosage: 5 years2.5 mg 1X D
Review: I recommend taking a smaller dose. I'm taking 2.5 mg only by cutting a 5mg pill in half (I'm 125 lbs, 5;2) I've been taking ambien for 5 years now since it's been helping me sleep soundly through the night. I've played around with the dosage to see which dosage suits me. For some, the drug may be too much in the regular prescribed dosage. I started taking ambien cr 12.5 mg, which really knocked me out, and gave me a drowsy all-day feeling the next day. Like some who posted on this site, I did have a negative effect- (the drowsiness while driving) I did get a ticket for those red light cameras, and considered stopping taking it, but then I wanted to see how I would be on a smaller dosage. I tried a half dose, and it was still much. My doctor prescribed 5mg for me, and I took it for a while, now I've settled on half of the pill (2.5 mg) which is just right. I need to take it around 10:00pm, read or do relaxing things 'til around 11:15 or 11:30pm. I get a good night's rest and wake up refreshed at anywhere from 6 to7:30am which is when my alarm rings. I do recommend also not operating a motorized vehicle until you find the dosage that's right for you because yes, you can get drowsy, and get into accidents. People are all so different, we all have different body chemistries so there is no uniform effect. It's all trial and error, so I hope if ambien doesn't work, then you can always try others like Lunesta, Benadryl, Unisom or natural ones like melatonin or kava kava.
by Reviewer93605
on April 28, 2010
Sex: F
Age: 46.0
Side effects: No initial side effects. After some months, short-term memory loss of things that happen within a couple of hours of taking it. No problems with sleepwalking or the like.
Time taken and dosage: 9 years12.5 1X D
Review: Lately it has been less effective as my anxiety has become stronger than the Ambien can counter. Most nights I'm fine but some I still don't sleep. For several months I have been having vivid, complex dreams/nightmares every time I sleep - even with quick naps. I suspect the Ambien but recently started some heart medications as well so can't be certain. Overall though, this drug got me through some very tough years as I tried to recover from autoimmune symptoms and severe fibromyalgia which wouldn't let me sleep.All drugs have risks and all individuals are different in their response. Condemning a drug completely because the most vocal people are those who have had problems is typical. Use your own best judgment and be honest with your doctor about prior addiction problems.
For insomnia, duh
by Reviewer93606
on April 26, 2010
Sex: M
Age: 30.0
Side effects: None besides tiredness!
Time taken and dosage: 6 years5mg 1X D
Review: I LOVE Ambien, I don't know what all you crazies are talking about! My life is hell without it. I cut my pills in fourths--yes fourths--and it is still effective! I've never taken a whole one. You people who are doing crazy shiz while on Ambien either need to take responsibility for your actions or cut down your dose! Don't ruin it for the rest of us, jeez.
by Reviewer93607
on April 22, 2010
Sex: F
Age: 34.0
Side effects: No side effects
Time taken and dosage: 1 years10mg 1X D
Review: I have to take it when I get in bed. I've taken it before bed and I'm up for about an hour saying off the wall things to my husband before I fall asleep like "can fish live in soup?" type topics. Never take with alcohol though!
by Reviewer93608
on April 22, 2010
Sex: M
Age: 35.0
Side effects: If severe addiction, divorce, unemployment, jail, getting mortally wounded or dying isn't a problem for you, then go ahead and take this drug otherwise DO NOT TAKE THIS DRUG.
Time taken and dosage: 2 years10mg 4X D
Review: People have said go straight to bed after taking this drug. I did, but then unbeknownst to me (at least the conscious me) I got up and drove my car. I did that three times and I was lucky all the accidents were non fatal (I didn't get a DUI, kill someone or get killed) although they cost me a lot of money and because of the memory I can't drive anymore without panicking. The thing is after you take this drug, you don't know when you are getting up and what you are doing. The effects for me didn't wear off during the day and I would be crying (I'm male) for every little sad thought that came into my head. In ambien trance I resigned from my job and wrote a despicable letter to my boss, thus burning the bridge. This happened in a bad economy so I was without a job for 3 years, and currently settled for a job with half the dough. In an ambien trance I told my wife I wanted to have sex with her friend and told her to prostitute herself for money. I nearly lost her as well. At first I took the drug at the doctor prescribed dose of 5-10mg. Once I was addicted I took more. I was on the drug for 2 years. Getting off the drug took 3 months with all the symptoms of benzodiazepine withdrawal. Drug seeking behavior, rebound insomnia, panic attacks, shaking hands, eye twitches, and delirium. During the withdrawal I was a total jerk with anger tantrums quite uncharacteristic of me. This drug DESTROYED three years of my life and I'm suffering the after effects and I'm not sure for how long.
trouble sleeping
by Reviewer93609
on April 21, 2010
Sex: F
Age: 40.0
Side effects: I felt severely suicidal, contemplating how to do it and started binge eating and I hardly eat that much ever, both are listed side effects.
Time taken and dosage: 2 days6.25mg 1X D
Review: I would never recommend this to anyone.
by Reviewer93610
on April 21, 2010
Sex: F
Age: 30.0
Side effects: sleep walking, hallucinations
Time taken and dosage: 1 days30 1X D
Review: I took my pill at 11pm and laid down and went to sleep fairly quickly. Then I apparently started sleep walking and fell from the very top of my stairs to the very bottom. I wound up breaking my leg very badly and having several contusions all over my body. Then I had horrible hallucinations about dead people and dragons (not at all funny, just very scary). So I would never recommend this or take it again. I'm stuck in a cast for the next 7 weeks and still can't sleep.
by Reviewer93611
on April 19, 2010
Sex: F
Age: 36.0
Side effects: major insomnia
Time taken and dosage: 3 days12.5mg cr 1X D
chronic insomnia
by Reviewer93612
on April 18, 2010
Sex: F
Age: 68.0
Side effects: sleep walking
Time taken and dosage: 3 years10mg 1X D
insomnia, peri-menopausal
by Reviewer93613
on April 15, 2010
Sex: F
Age: 47.0
Side effects: I have already left a comment previously about 7-8 weeks ago. This is a follow-up. In my previous comment neglected to add that along with this drug affecting my central nervous system (numbness in scalp, forehead, arms, hands)it was also making me very depressed. As I have never been depressed before I really did not know the symptoms until later after speaking w/ friends. To recap I had really bad sleep deprivation withdrawal for 2-3 days then had another rebound sleep deprivation for another 2-3 days, all this from Ambien. Went to my doctor 4x only to have him tell me it was not the Ambien. I have decided he is full of shit and I have since moved on. I am better now, still have some sleep issues but they are minor. I suppose I am still recovering and everyday is better but I wonder what damage has been done. Ambien in my opinion is along the same lines as street drugs and even more dangerous as no one tells you this can be addicting.
Time taken and dosage: 3 weeks10 1X D
by Reviewer93614
on April 14, 2010
Sex: F
Age: 39.0
Side effects: It's hard to get up and out of bed the next morning. I'm kind of sleepy all day (low energy). Sometimes leads to migraine headaches.
Time taken and dosage: 1 years10MG 1X D
Review: Works great for helping me fall asleep and stay asleep. I try not to take it during the week... it just makes me so "slow" the next day. I really need to be able to sleep a good 10 hours after taking an Ambien. 8 hours is NOT enough.
chronic insomnia, fibromyalgia
by Reviewer93615
on March 31, 2010
Sex: F
Age: 42.0
Side effects: At first, it helped. I thought,"finally I can actually get a good night's sleep!" Then the bizarre & disturbing side-effects kicked in. I have driven after taking this..stupidly & erratically! Hallucinations, sleep walking, sleep eating, sleep sex,made phone calls & sent disturbing text msgs. w/no recollection, only to find out later what I did by people telling me & me checking my phone usage & texts I sent that were off-the-wall & embarrasing! Used the stove, making myself meals..YIKES! Ate all kinds of food & snacks & sometimes actually fell asleep while eating...waking up w/ food in my mouth! Blackouts!- once i went to use the bathroom & fell right off the toilet onto the bathroom floor, only to wake up later wondering why I was lying on the bathroom floor?! Went online, sent rediculous & embarrasing emails on Facebook, shopped online w/ no recollection. This med totally knocked me out to much so, that I missed several pho
Time taken and dosage: 2 days10 1X D
Review: I think and highly advise that when you take this pill, you should be making your way to your bed! That's been my problem..staying up after they've taken effect.Lock down/secure the house, doors and go seclude yourself away from people!! P.S. one should NEVER drive when ur on this mind-altereing crap!Don't do it.
Irregular work schedule
by Reviewer93616
on March 30, 2010
Sex: M
Age: 29.0
Side effects: Initially hallucinations, euphoria (feel loopy cannot accomplish tasks that require a little thought)during the period before I fall asleep. I've become very depressed during the few hours after I wake, this seems to improve during the day. I just had what I think is a panic attack hyperventillated and cried uncontrollably for about 5 minutes. The last time tears ran down my face was 13 years ago when my appendix ruptured.
Time taken and dosage: 6 months10 1X D
Review: I fear stop taking the medication as I've read that the withdrawl is bad and I fear not getting sleep.
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