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FOSAMAX (ALENDRONATE SODIUM) reviews and ratings reports

The average rating for FOSAMAX (ALENDRONATE SODIUM): 3

Reviews 902
Votes 902

1 (Dissatisfied) - I would not recommend taking this medicine.
2 (Not Satisfied)- This medicine did not work to my satisfaction.
3 (Somewhat Satisfied) - This medicine helped somewhat.
4 (Satisfied) - This medicine helped.
5 (Very Satisfied) - This medicine cured me or helped me a great deal.

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by Reviewer59841
on July 11, 2010
Sex: F
Age: 69.0
Side effects: occasional mild flu like symptoms
Time taken and dosage: 4 years70mg 1X W
Review: Normal bone scan after 2 years. I'm a retired RN. I find most doctors are knowledgeable and well intentioned. The key is to find a doctor you trust. After 40+ years of nursing I depend on the extensive knowledge of a good M.D. to point me in the right direction and to interpret the copious studies out there for me.I find the frequent mistrust of doctors to be very sad as it does get in the way of good medical care for people. I know the many years of study they put in and I would only trust my very valuable health(and life) to a good doctor-not to my own opinion or that of friends or family. After all we have only one life so let us have the most expert person care for us -and that is a competent doctor. Others may (and will) disagree but as I say this is speaking from 40+ years working as a critical care nurse in many large teaching and private hospitals. You owe it to yourself to get the most accurate advice possible.
by Reviewer59842
on July 8, 2010
Sex: F
Age: 63.0
Side effects: I suffer with severe pain in my abdomen when sitting.
Time taken and dosage: 70 mg 1X W
Review: I've taken Fosamax for approx. 6 years. I have suffered for over 5 years with terrible pain in my abdomen. At times, I cannot even sit at all. I've been to my family physician wich the problem, who sent me to a GI doctor. Neither doctor found anything wrong after many, many tests. They finally ruled out colon cancer, stomach cancer, chrones disease, etc. but never knew what was causing my pain. The GI doctor has me taking probiotics in case it is bad bacteria in my gut (I fee this is the new "buzz word" in medicine. I've done that for 6 to 8 months and it hasn't helped at all. A friend told me about Fosamax and the possibility that it wss the source of my problem and suggested I try stopping it. It has only been 3 weeks since I stopped so it is too soon to know. I don't know how long it takes to get it out of ones system. Does anyone else know? Has anyone else had a similar problem?
by Reviewer59843
on July 7, 2010
Sex: F
Age: 67.0
Side effects: My husband and I walked the dog 5 miles each day, I had no health problems. Doctor ordered a bone density test and prescribed Fosamax. After the first dose, I could only walk about 1 block and had to return home because of the pain in my back, hips, knees and ankles. I was told the side effects were temporary. I decided on my own to quit taking the drug after 4 months. It has now been 11 months since I quit and I still have joint pain and muscle cramps and pain in my legs, arms, hands and buttocks. I don't trust doctors anymore. Isn't their first responsibility to "Do no harm?"
Time taken and dosage: 4 months70MG 1X W
Review: Don't take this drug without researching fully.
by Reviewer59844
on July 5, 2010
Sex: F
Age: 72.0
Side effects: gerd, acid reflux and now diagnosed with AFIBDon't take Fosamax
Time taken and dosage: 3 years? 1X D
by Reviewer59845
on July 5, 2010
Sex: F
Age: 63.0
Side effects: I woke up with an excrutiating headache behind my left eye. Dx'd as sinus infection, took meds including steroids. As soon as I finished, the pain returned and my left eye swelled up twice it's size. Saw 6 doctors in 5 days including a neuro-ophthalmologist at Emory. Result - Fosamax caused the fat cells in my eyeball to inflame. Now on steroids for a month and should be fine. I'll take my chances with bone loss - I won't be taking any of these drugs again.
Time taken and dosage: 5 months20 mg 1X W
by Reviewer59846
on June 27, 2010
Sex: F
Age: 63.0
Side effects: I feel like every bone and muscle in my body aches. My lower back is always in pain. I get so stiff it's had to go about doing just about anything.
Time taken and dosage: 2 years70 1X W
Review: I starting taking these because my t scores were 1.8 for hip, 2.4 for spine and 2.0 for neck. Which my reading up on the internet about osteoporosis, those scores were osteopenia not really osteoporosis yet. My doctor suggested that I take Fosamax, I had felt great before taking this medicine. I feel like I've aged in a matter of months. I don't know if I should stop taking at this point, I really don't want my bones to get worse. Hopefully something out there is better than this stuff.
by Reviewer59847
on June 24, 2010
Sex: F
Age: 66.0
Side effects: Recently diagnosed with osteonecrosis of the femoral condyle. Needed arthroscopic surgery to drill holes to try to get blood flow into the area. Will probably need knee replacement if this does not work. I feel that fosamax caused this. Over the five years I took it, there was no improvement in my bone density.
Time taken and dosage: 5 years70 mg 1X W
diagnosis of osteopenia
by Reviewer59848
on June 24, 2010
Sex: F
Age: 76.0
Side effects: Gradually increasing pain in lower back and legs. No improvement in DEXA, ever.
Time taken and dosage: 15 years30mg 1X D
Review: I have stopped taking Fosamax 9 months ago, still have leg and back pain, but is handled by Advil. I have read the literature, and will never take this medicine again. I believe it adversely affects bones, opposite of its claims.
by Reviewer59849
on June 7, 2010
Sex: F
Age: 58.0
Side effects: Severe, debilitating lower back pain.
Time taken and dosage: 4 times70 1X W
Review: Holy Moly! The first time I took Fosomax(generic version)I woke up the next day with agonizing back spasms. I had NEVER had any sort of back problem in my life. I suspected the Fosomax but then decided I must have slept in an odd position. Took a few more doses wih no apprecible effects and then wham! more back pain. It felt like my back was trying to rip itself apart. I actually screamed from the pain every time I moved. I discontinued use for a few months and just took a dose 3 days ago. Next morning, the back pain reappeared though not as bad as past episodes. I wouldn't touch that stuff again if my bones snapped in a stiff breeze. I'll just keep working out wth weights and taking my calcium and Vit D.
by Reviewer59850
on June 5, 2010
Sex: M
Age: 64.0
Side effects: I was on Fosamax for 3 years. 2 years into Fosamax I developed Lichen Planus. They do not know the cause of it so as a last resort I stopped taking fosamax (much to my Drs dismay) and the lichen planus stopped. While I was on fosamax my osteo never improved. I stayed off fosamax and on calcium, vitamin D3 supplements and exercise, and after 18 months my osteo numbers were stable. I might add that 13 months after stopping fosamax the lichen planus returned on my scalp. I still blame the fosamax for knocking my immune system out of wack. Has any experienced Lichen Planus after taking these types of drugs?
Time taken and dosage: 3 years70 MG 1X W
Review: For the 3 years I was on Fosamax my Osteo never improved. Being off Fosamax for 18 months and taking calcium, D3 supplements and exercise my Osteo (dexa scan numbers) stayed stable. Now my Dr wants me to take Actonel. After reading about people's experiences with fosamax and actonel I will not take any of these drugs again.
by Reviewer59851
on May 30, 2010
Sex: F
Age: 59.0
Side effects: Took the first dose less than one week ago....nauseous for first few days (felt like being pregnant), now ache in chest, arms, neck, back. I will NOT take the second dose tomorrow, and will be calling the doctor. I have NO health problems other than this recent diagnosis of osteoporosis. I am athletic and very active. I should not even drive as it hurts to move my head from side to side.
Time taken and dosage: 6 days70mg 1X W
have osteoporosis
by Reviewer59852
on May 28, 2010
Sex: F
Age: 41.0
Side effects: I am still experiencing side effects, pain in my back, arms, hands, legs, shoulders, chest and rib area, a day afterwords I felt weak, feverish chills
Time taken and dosage: 1 times 1X W
Review: I would not recommend any one take this at all. it should be taken off doctors lists
low bone density
by Reviewer59853
on May 15, 2010
Sex: F
Age: 73.0
Side effects: Severe muscle aches, especially my neck, rear upper arms, rear thighs from knee to buttocks. Headache and upset stomach. I'm otherwise healthy and on no other medications.
Time taken and dosage: 3 months70 mg 1X W
Review: My Internist ordered numerous lab tests to rule out any muscular disease. All tests were normal.
by Reviewer59854
on May 14, 2010
Sex: F
Age: 44.0
Side effects: nauseated all the time and ached all over with no energy. I felt like I had the flu 24/7
Time taken and dosage: 4 weeks70 1X W
-3.25 hip osteoporosis
by Reviewer59855
on May 13, 2010
Sex: F
Age: 59.0
Side effects: A severe burning, stinging sensation in my buttocks and hips, that makes sitting for long periods of time or lying on my back or side very painful. I also experience aching in my legs.
Time taken and dosage: 3 years70 mg 1X W
Review: I have been on Fosamax for nearly 3 years and have been on the generic version for about a year. I started to research the drug because I'm about to undergo a dental procedure and I know that one of the side effects could be bone loss in the jaw resulting from improper healing after undergoing dental procedures. When I started to research the side effects, I found this site. I have never experienced any of the bloating or esophagial problems that some users describe, but there appears to be many different and serious side effects. I had not associated my buttock and hip pain with Fosamax until I read that many women have experienced the same symptoms. Also, I just had a bone density test, and there has been no improvement in my bone mass since starting Fosamax. I have decided to stop taking the drug, and hope that my symptoms will improve.
bone lose in hip
by Reviewer59856
on May 13, 2010
Sex: F
Age: 54.0
Side effects: After going through MRI and Xrays for hip and knee pain and cramping on the same side as the hip pain, began to hear about this as a common side effect. -----I'm using youtube downloader
Time taken and dosage: 2 monthsweekly 1X W
Review: Stopping Fosimax and contacting my doctor. Disappointed that she and my OBGYN did not associate the symptoms with the pain!-----I'm using youtube downloader
by Reviewer59857
on May 11, 2010
Sex: F
Age: 42.0
Side effects: After 3d dose I experienced chest, shoulder, an stomach pains. It has been 10 days since my last dose and I still have severe pain in my shoulder. I am hopeful it will go away.
Time taken and dosage: 3 weeks70mg 1X W
Review: Will never take it again.
by Reviewer59858
on April 27, 2010
Sex: M
Age: 59.0
Side effects: Leg Pain and Back Pain. I would think about this drug before you take it. Seems Foteao may be a better option.
Time taken and dosage: 3 months20mg 1X W
Review: I was in the first clincal studies for Didrnal which is the fore runner of Fosimax. I started this drug in 1990 and stayed on it until 2008, I came off of it for 2 years and then had to start again as my t-scores dropped like a rock. The second time around I belive this drug is causing all my issues of late with back pain so severe its debilitating. I am stopping this week to see if the pain improves for me.
diagnosis of osteopenia
by Reviewer59859
on April 26, 2010
Sex: F
Age: 62.0
Side effects: None
Time taken and dosage: 5 years70 + D 1X W
Review: Thrilled with results. When I began, I had hoped, at the least, to prevent more bone loss. My spine has gone from borderline osteoporosis to being in the normal range; there has been annual improvement in my hip. The numbers for the femoral neck bone, though, have not been as consistent. I do weight bearing exercises daily and continue to take daily calcium and Vitamin D supplements, in addition to fish oil.
by Reviewer59860
on April 24, 2010
Sex: F
Age: 71.0
Side effects: Within 3 days of takig the first pill, I developed a rash on my feet, and swelling. A week later I took a second pill, and the rash moved up my leg, and the swelling got worse. My doctor said to stop the pill, which I have done, and he said to take Zrtec for 2 weeks, as that's how long it will take for the rash and swelling to go away. I am going back to once a month Actonel, which gave me no problems.
Time taken and dosage: 14 days70 MG 1X W
Review: The reason I switched to generic Fosamax, is because my insurance company sent it to me instead of Actonel, so I tried it, and I am so sorry I did.
by Reviewer59861
on April 21, 2010
Sex: F
Age: 66.0
Side effects: Right wrist began to pain about 10 hours after first dose. Had to take some aspirin before I went to bed. I woke about 1:30 a.m.with back pain. By 3:00 a.m. my whole body was in pain. Every bone in my body felt as if it were about to break. Even my ribs. Even my toes. I could barely move my wrist. I could barely get out of a chair. I felt as though an elephant was sitting on my chest. Every joint, every muscle was on fire. Next I developed severe stomach and intestinal pain. I spent the day swallowing a combination of aspirin and tylenol and hobbling around with my cell phone in my pocket in case I had to call 911. The pain subsided enough - with a little help from my pill bottle - that I was able to sleep last night and this morning it is not nearly as severe as it was yesterday. I have acid reflux. This experience has done it no favors. My hope now is that I will be one of the lucky ones whose symptoms from this horrid medication disappear quickly and do not linger for months
Time taken and dosage: 1 days70 mg 1X W
Review: Scary. The cure is worse than the disease. After reading comments on it here, I realize that for some of us, it doesn't even help the disease.
Osteoporosis reading of -2.5
by Reviewer59862
on April 19, 2010
Sex: F
Age: 62.0
Side effects: 1st dose on a Sat.-Tues. evening lower back pain that worked it way up to my neck. Very tender right knee which I attritubed to working in the yard. Took Pepcid's and Buffrin. Controlled the pain ok. 2nd dose on following Sat. - Sunday night could not get out of bed. Entire back was sending sharp pains. Actually cried out in pain. Husband helped me stand and layered pillows so something would be supporting my back. I came to within 5 seconds of passing out from pain. Right knee in worse pain. Had Xanax in medicine cabinet, took one and was able to make it through the night. Same severe pain the next morning. I am now waiting for a call-back from my doctor. Had this same unbearable pain (worse than childbirth) 6 years ago with one dose of Actonel.
Time taken and dosage: 2 weeks70 mg 1X W
Review: I know it helped my mother (87 yrs old) so I can't say it is bad for everyone. My daughter is finishing her MD residency in June and is researching for me. She said reclast by-passes the GI tract and may be easier to take but I am afraid to do anything at this time.
by Reviewer59863
on April 14, 2010
Sex: F
Age: 60.0
Side effects: No side effects
Time taken and dosage: 1X O
Review: I started taking Foxomax(first once a day and then once a week) more than 5 yrs ago due to the diagnosis of osteopenia. My first scan, after taking, it showed increased bone mass and it has pretty much remained consistent. I am now off the drug, per my doctor, as you are only supposed to take it for so many years. I had no side effects, whatsoever and it worked for me.
by Reviewer59864
on April 10, 2010
Sex: F
Age: 56.0
Side effects:
Time taken and dosage: 0 days 1X O
Review: I personally take vitamins, exercise daily, and use herbal remedies and take TUMS. Doctors perscirbe this poison, so they can make money, that is all they care about.
by Reviewer59865
on April 8, 2010
Sex: F
Age: 52.0
Side effects: First experienced unexplained pain in ankles. A few days later they swelled and it hurt to walk or sit. Doc switched to Actenol (sp?) but I won't start it until next week because I want this to go away.
Time taken and dosage: 7 weeks70 MG 1X W
Review: I have no problem with exercise. Why do doctors always prescribe meds if a little vita D and calcium + exercise will fix it?
by Reviewer59866
on April 5, 2010
Sex: F
Age: 46.0
Side effects: Don't have enough space to explain all side effects....Swollen joints, fingers swollen more than double the normal size, feet swollen so badly couldn't get shoes on, bruising, gastric distress, headaches, muscle spasms and muscle aches....felt worse than ever!!!! Even had racing heart...didn't think that was a possible side effect until I read other comments on this site.
Time taken and dosage: 30 daysunsure 1X W
Review: I had my ovaries removed in 2006 (partial hysterectomy 2000). Took Boniva for 3 months and developed such horrible hip pain that I felt like a Barbie Doll whose legs were being cracked off...but the side effects from the Fosamax are far worse than the effects from the Boniva ever were...This product should be banned from the market. Took for 4 weeks and the pain, stiffness, bruising became unbearable. Called the doctor. She advised to not take the 5th dose and if the symptoms subsided to take again in the 6th week....yeah, right! I will never let this pass my lips again....
Diagnosed with osteoporosis
by Reviewer59867
on April 3, 2010
Sex: F
Age: 53.0
Side effects: I was diagnosed with significant bone loss 13 years ago at the age of 40.My blood calcium levels were low, the doctor was concerned so I had a DEXA. This drug had only been on the market for a few years. I took the drug one day almost 13 years ago and said no way am I continuing. Doing some research, I found out it should not be taken before menopause. The doctors thought my case was so unusual and it was taken to a panel of endocrinologists. Of course, these drugs were the answer. Now, after the 20 years of these drugs being on the market,we are finding out the side effects are terrible. They prevent the normal breaking down and building of the bone. Ultimately they make your bones very brittle and unhealthy. I eat well,take lots of Vitamin D, a multi and get exercise.DO YOUR RESEARCH, THERE IS SO MUCH INFO OUT THERE.
Time taken and dosage: 1 days 1X D
by Reviewer59868
on March 26, 2010
Sex: F
Age: 65.0
Side effects: Very stiff after sitting for more than 15 minutes; pain/cramping left and right side of back; excessive burping; occasional rapid heart beat and probably several other side effects I thought were due to just getting older and under a lot of stress. I will immediately stop taking this drug and go back to natural products.
Time taken and dosage: 2 years70 MG 1X W
Review: Thank you everyone for contributing so much information to this site. I always felt uncomfortable taking this drug and now I know why. Has anyone found they gained weight and have trouble losing it? That could just be my stress.
by Reviewer59869
on March 22, 2010
Sex: F
Age: 66.0
Side effects: No side effects
Time taken and dosage: 6 years70 1X W
Review: Going to stop taking the drug. No improvement in bone scans
by Reviewer59870
on March 18, 2010
Sex: F
Age: 21.0
Side effects: I have not experienced side effects that I'm positive could be linked to the fosamax
Time taken and dosage: 1 years 1X W
Review: i was having hip and back pain, got a bone density scan and diagnosed with osteopenia related to my celiac disease. I was put on fosamax over a year ago. I have not noticed any cessation of my pain but i have also not noted any increased pain or other side effects. I was diagnosed with hypoglycemia this past december. Is that one of the side effects, affecting blood sugars?
by Reviewer59871
on March 17, 2010
Sex: F
Age: 50.0
Side effects: No side effects, My Dr prescribed this drug for me to start taking today. As soon as I got home I started doing some research. I am glad I did too. After reading everyone's comments was enough for me not to take it.I feel bad for all that have already taken it and all the pain that you have went through, but I do thank you for all the info of this drug.I did check out different sites as well. Vit d and calcium and excersize for me. Good luck to you all.
Time taken and dosage: 0 days70 1X W
Review: This drug should be banned!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
by Reviewer59872
on March 15, 2010
Sex: F
Age: 73.0
Side effects: Burning sensation in GI tract.
Time taken and dosage: 3 months 1X W
Review: Its competitor--Actonel is just as deadly to your bones. It stops bone growth, leaving you with old, brittle bones. You are not eligible for a dental implant, because the bone is unable to grow and secure it. Read Building Bone Vitality. It's an evidenced approach to bone health. It's a dietary approach. Cites lots of research from scientists.
by Reviewer59873
on March 15, 2010
Sex: F
Age: 65.0
Time taken and dosage: 5 years 1X W
by Reviewer59875
on March 13, 2010
Sex: M
Age: 81.0
Side effects: no side effects. I went from osteoprosis to osteopenia. I have fallen, but have never broken any bones. I have not had any ill-effects and started the drug in an experimental program when it first came out. I have been extremely pleased with the effect of the drug.
Time taken and dosage: 30 years70g 1X W
Review: see above
by Reviewer59876
on March 13, 2010
Sex: F
Age: 63.0
Side effects: I have been getting very sharp stomach pains up high between chest bone and also sharp abdominal pains that only come on after eating. I can tolerate oatmeal, rice and toast and experience no pain at all. I have lost 9 pounds in 3 weeks because of the pain when eating. My doctor took me off fosamax 2 weeks ago and I am waiting to see GI specialist. Also ended up in ER 1 month after starting fosamax because of irregular heart beat and near fainting.
Time taken and dosage: 4 months70 mg 1X W
Doctor prescribed it
by Reviewer59877
on March 13, 2010
Sex: F
Age: 54.0
Side effects: Severe pain in neck and arm; esophagial discomfort;
Time taken and dosage: 2 years 1X W
Review: I heard a man talking in the doctor's office about his wife's experience with fosomax and that there were lawsuits against it. I asked him some questions and when he said that it does not build back bone, I started investigating on my own as well as seeing the red flags I should have already spotted. It has me convinced that fosomax is not for me. I am off it now and will explore more natural ways to heal.
by Reviewer59878
on March 12, 2010
Sex: F
Age: 72.0
Side effects: i broke the left femur (shattered it 2 times in 206 and 207 i now walk with a walker and the dr. says it can never be repaired again.
Time taken and dosage: 8 years 1X D
Review: it has changed my life and not for the better.
by Reviewer59879
on March 12, 2010
Sex: F
Age: 63.0
Side effects: I took the generic Fosamax about 1 year ago for 2 months and developed pain in hips and back so I stopped taking it. My DXA test showed some deterioration of density and so doctor put me back on the drug. After 4 weeks I again developed pain in hips and back. Also I have been treated for IBS for many years and I developed diarrhea after 3 weeks on alendronate sodium.
Time taken and dosage: 30 days70mg 1X W
Review: I am stopping the drug and just going to do the best I can with calcium and vitamin D etc.
by Reviewer59880
on March 12, 2010
Sex: M
Age: 73.0
Side effects: I have occasional atrial fibrillation (AFIB)which terminates spontaneously and occurs only about once a month. There is no underlying heart pathology. After taking Fosamax for only 3 weeks, I had a 25 hour AFIB episode. Now, three days later, I am still having ectopic ("skipped") heartbeats. My cardiologist told me to stop taking the drug. It is important to note that I have never encountered such symptoms before taking Fosamax.
Time taken and dosage: 3 weeks70 mg. 1X W
Review: If you have atrial fibrillation or susceptibility to it because of hereditary factors, I would suggest strongly that you stay away from Fosamax. I certainly will.
osteopina at age 50
by Reviewer59881
on March 9, 2010
Sex: F
Age: 66.0
Side effects: NONE, yet.
Time taken and dosage: 16 years75 1X W
Review: Supposed to make bone marrow inhospitable to breast cancer cells.
on threshold for osteoporosis
by Reviewer59882
on March 3, 2010
Sex: F
Age: 64.0
Side effects: Nothing serious, possibly increased intestinal gas but not sure if that is related.
Time taken and dosage: 2 years35 mg 1X W
Review: After 2 years on fosamax (only 35 mg/week) my bone density increased about 3%, whereas density had been rapidly decreasing previously despite taking calcium, magnesium and Vitamin D and doing weight bearing exercise. I will continue for another year and will then consider a 6 month to 1 year "holiday" from the drug. After retest of bone density will decide whether to return to fosamax.
Weak Bone Density
by Reviewer59883
on March 3, 2010
Sex: F
Age: 66.0
Side effects: Acid reflux
Time taken and dosage: 14 years70 mg 1X W
Review: After breast cancer at age 46 and taking Tamoxifen for 5 years my mind and bone density suffered. I've taken 70 mg of Fosamax once a week for 14 years but my bone density has not improved above spine osteoporosis (T-score -2.5) and femur osteopenia (T-score -1.5). My general practitioner advised me to discontinue taking it because it could be in fact weakening my bones. I’m not sure what to do.
for osteosporosis
by Reviewer59884
on March 2, 2010
Sex: M
Age: 53.0
Side effects: severe pain in ankles, feet ,knees, hips, shoulder, ribs and back, shortness of breathe, swelling of the feet, ankles knees and legs, headache
Time taken and dosage: 6 months70mg 1X W
Review: I have been on fosamax for about 6 months now and I am now literally incapacitated. I was given fosamax with the understanding that it was to regenerate bone loss but it has done the opposite! I have been complaining about the horrible pain that I am having for months and was sent to see a rhumetologist suggesting that I now have osteoarthritis and rheumitoid arthritis. I have been told to take pain meds because know one understands why I am in so much pain. My hips are now hurting so bad I can't even climb a step. I have fallen a few times when my leg has collapsed. I was even being evaluated by a kidney doctor to see if the pain in my side and hip area are due to kidney damage. my wife happened to do some research on the internet and discovered how many other people are suffering from the same symptoms as I do from using fosmax. And has also discovered fosamax lawsuits, because of an FDA warning in 2008 that fosamax had been linked to extreme and incapacitating joint, mucle and bone pain. I am hoping now that I will no longer take fosamax that my pain subsides. I have read others complaints about fosmax claiming that they are still in pain months later after stopping the drug. This drug should be taken off the market especially if doctors are unaware of the side effects. Doctors who prescribe fosamax should be well informed of the side effects, in the event patients like myself and many others complain of certain symptoms after using fosamax.
Mild osteopenia in hips
by Reviewer59885
on March 1, 2010
Sex: M
Age: 56.0
Side effects: I am 56 and showed very slight ospeopenia in my hips. I had no severe side effects..just noticed bloating and constipation. But, after 3 months of taking this, I started noticing horrible hip pain, mostly while I sat or layed down. At first I did not know what was causing this, until I decided to read the insert. Well, this hip, bone pain has only gotten worse. I cannot sleep and am miserable. I walk quite a bit, with intermittent running, and I can no longer do that. After looking through this site, I have decided that stopping this med is in my best interest. I will only take Calcium with Vitamin D and hope for the best.
Time taken and dosage: 120 days70mg 1X W
Review: Looking thru this, it appears as if all osteoporous meds have these types of side affects.
by Reviewer59886
on February 26, 2010
Sex: F
Age: 35.0
Side effects: Burning,aching,lower back pain when I lay on my back. I have to lay on my side when this happens. And it seems to happen frequently. I never had this before Fosamax. I feel really tired. Maybe it's time for me to quit this drug.
Time taken and dosage: 1 years70 1X W
by Reviewer59887
on February 26, 2010
Sex: F
Age: 70.0
Side effects: I posted on here in 2008 and am wondering if others have experienced arthritic symptoms throughout their bodies. I have so many areas of pain that are attributed to arthritis---neck, back, shoulders, arms, knees, hips. My family members lived into their nineties with very few health issues and I feel like I have a genetic defect. I stopped taking Fosamax 2 years ago and still live with pain on a daily basis. Doctors tell me I have arthritis but the pain is severe, deep and constant. A lot of times I will get remission of pain in one area only for it to develop in another area.
Time taken and dosage: 8 years70 mg 1X W
Review: I take natural solutions but still have not been able to eliminate the pain. If I could give a lower rating for this drug, it would be in a minus zone. It NEEDS to be taken off the market.
by Reviewer59888
on February 25, 2010
Sex: F
Age: 63.0
Side effects: I had been very satisfied with fosamex and had no side effects until this past Monday, when I was hospitalized with Atrial Fibrillation
Time taken and dosage: 10 years70 mg 1X W
Review: This past Monday I was hospitalized with Atrial Fibrillation which took 24 hours to flip back to normal. My cardiac Dr. told me in no uncertain terms that this is one of the side effects of Fosamex and I needed to stop immediately. If you have any kind of cardiac problems, stay away from Fosamex. The cure is worse than the problem.
by Reviewer59889
on February 22, 2010
Sex: F
Age: 48.0
Side effects: Sharp stomach pains, acid reflux, heartburn.
Time taken and dosage: 7 weeks70 mg 1X W
Review: I am worried about this drug. I have been recently diagnosed with Osteopenia in my hip; but after just two weeks on Fosamax, I have had severe symptoms mid-week between dosages. Now I am feeling worse each week--I feel like I am going to throw up all the time. And, I am NEVER sick, so it is definitely a new and scary pattern for me.
by Reviewer59890
on February 21, 2010
Sex: F
Age: 59.0
Side effects: Luckily I have no reaction once-weekly when taking Fosamax 70MG.Take pill then work out one hour on recumbent & incline-treadmill. Not sure if Fosamax (and/or Zocor 20MG) contributed to below:1) Root canal (R bottom) possibly fr Fosamax OR due to large filling~. Slow healing then pain in area persisted for four years2) Gums seem more recessed in last few years. Always had great gums & took good care of teeth. Floss at bedtime, brush 2x day3) Bilateral Chronic Achilles Tendonitis for 2+ years4) Tender all over to the touch past four years
Time taken and dosage: 7 years70 MG 1X W
Review: At first 2 year Bone Density check, Fosamax had moved range from Osteopenia into low-normal. At every 2 year density check, I slightly gain bone mass or remain unchanged. I have taken NO BREAK from Fosamax. Should I?Drank lots of milk during younger years, took plenty of Calcium during my 30-40s.Age 34 ovarian cancer - right fallopian and ovary removed.Age 38 periods stopped.I was prime to get osteoporosis. Not sure whether to stop Fosamax. I was told by prominent doctor in Jan2010 that Fosamax is now CAUSING fractures.What have you all heard on that front?
by Reviewer59891
on February 20, 2010
Sex: F
Age: 65.0
Side effects: peripheral neuropathy-aching, burning, tingling in both feet which increased as weeks went on
Time taken and dosage: 13 weeks70MG 1X W
Review: after stopping this drug, symptoms 50% better within two weeks, however it took nearly a year to get back to normal
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