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SEROQUEL (QUETIAPINE FUMARATE) reviews and ratings reports

The average rating for SEROQUEL (QUETIAPINE FUMARATE): 6

Reviews 1053
Votes 1053

1 (Dissatisfied) - I would not recommend taking this medicine.
2 (Not Satisfied)- This medicine did not work to my satisfaction.
3 (Somewhat Satisfied) - This medicine helped somewhat.
4 (Satisfied) - This medicine helped.
5 (Very Satisfied) - This medicine cured me or helped me a great deal.

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depression/anxiety and sleep
by Reviewer55127
on July 8, 2010
Sex: M
Age: 39.0
Side effects: While taking I was like a zombie. Hard to get anything done. Loss of appetite. I was pretty much out of it for the entire day.Withdrawal horrific muscle fatigue mainly mid back and arms were tired and limp, stomach cramps memory loss can not remember a thing as of 3 days off of it.
Time taken and dosage: 4 weeks150-50xr 1X D
Review: For me I did not like this medication did not help me with what it was prescribed for. I fear long term damage of my muscles and my eyes.
Bipolar Disorder
by Reviewer55126
on July 4, 2010
Sex: F
Age: 36.0
Side effects: Massive weight gain, possibly addictive? Far too sedating too quickly.
Time taken and dosage: 5 years250mg 1X D
Review: I am currently being weaned off Seroquel. My dose over five years has ranged from 50mg twice daily to 500mg a day. It hasn't really worked for my mania or anxiety, but I do now get a decent night's sleep for the first time in my life. However, as my Psych Doc pointed out, sleeping tablets would do the same thing so I'm being taken off it. I gained five stone (70 lbs) on this stuff, but have gotten that off now and am being placed on Lamictal. What pains me is that I knew it wasn't working for me for five years and told the doctors this and they argued with me until last year, when suddenly the reports about Seroquel started to filter through and they realised that we, the patients, were right. I accept that for some people it's wonderful and like all meds, it's a lottery as to which works for each of us, but the doctors need to listen when we say something isn't doing the job. We inhabit our skulls, and we know when something is amiss.
bi polar
by Reviewer55122
on June 29, 2010
Sex: F
Age: 46.0
Side effects:
Time taken and dosage: 300 1X D
Review: it is wonderful to experience deep sleep.
Bipolar, OCD, BDD, Insomnia
by Reviewer55123
on June 29, 2010
Sex: F
Age: 16.0
Side effects: Drowsiness, Increased Appetite
Time taken and dosage: 6 weeks100mg 1X D
Review: I think that this drug has helped me greatly in overcoming my BDD, and it totally levels out my moods, but I never really feel any intense emotions... It's not helping with the OCD part, if anything it's made it worse. But I no longer freak out in situations I can't control. I'm just more organized if anything. It helps with my lack of sleep, it's easy for me to get 8+ hours a night when before I started taking Seroquel I slept maybe three hours a night if that. It does take me awhile to actually get up and function in the morning when usually I'd be up and fully alert within a minute. No weight gain as I'm good at managing my weight, but I do feel hungry ALL THE TIME. But self control helps, lol.
Bipolar Depression/Sleep
by Reviewer55125
on June 29, 2010
Sex: M
Age: 47.0
Side effects: It causes my nose and sinuses to close up tighter than a drum, sometimes creating an alarming sensation of choking or suffocating. I think it also causes swelling of the prostate, making it difficult to pee when you want to.
Time taken and dosage: 5 years100mg 1X D
Review: I generally have been pleased with SEROQUEL. Starting in my middle-age, I have been plagued with insomnia... racing thoughts very much a part of that. I had tried "baby" sleep aids like RESTORIL and AMBIEN, but they were just pi$$-in-the-ocean: Basically I am like an elephant in the wild who needs to be brought down with a dart of elephant tranquilizer! So I needed a more "heavy duty" sleep aid like SEROQUEL. A relative of mine takes about 700mg daily for schizo-affective disorder... There is no way in hell I could take a dosage like that, because 100mg alone is enough to knock me out cold for hours, swell up my nasal passages completely and dry up my mouth.SEROQUEL does indeed allow me to sleep like a baby for about 8--12 hours, and get plenty of refreshing REM sleep, too. In fact, it is the first good sleep I have had in all my adult years. I am just naturally "wired" by nature, and SEROQUEL eases that.Interestingly, once you awaken, you are not groggy at all... 10 minutes, say, for the fog to lift... and you're good.I have in fact, gained much weight since I've been on psych meds (ten years now) and have developed Type 2 Diabetes as well... but I attribute these developments more to DEPAKOTE... which I'll "diss" on a different page...As a diabetic, I probably should not be taking a drug which metabolizes in the liver (as SEROQUEL does)... It would be prefe
Bipolar type II
by Reviewer55124
on June 23, 2010
Sex: M
Age: 23.0
Side effects: Nightmares, anxiety, short term memory loss, decrease in appetite, stuttering, passive-aggressive behavior, uncontrollable eye movements, trouble concentrating,
Time taken and dosage: 1 months25mg 2X D
Review: From taking this drug I got nothing but waking up in the middle of the night sweating from nightmares. I also lost my ability to communicate and express how I felt which made things worse with the friendships I had with people, which eventually destroyed those relationships and made me more depressed. I now know how people feel when they say these drugs turn you into zombies. I have vowed to never again take this drug ever again to let big pharma get a hold of my life. I have never been more lonely than I have been after taking this drug, I started to develop mild schizophrenia during and after it; not to mention severe withdrawal and "brain zaps". Do yourself a favor and stay away from this drug, oh by the way I use to like smoking bud from time to time but I can't even do that now because it worsens my anxiety and panic attacks. I think the worst part was not being able to just be myself, I felt as if I was desperate most of the time when at social functions and the uncontrollable eye movement only made things worse with the opposite sex. Fuck Seroquel.
bipolar - episode of mania
by Reviewer55121
on June 17, 2010
Sex: M
Age: 32.0
Side effects: Drowsiness, difficulty focusing, no motivation, can't stop eating
Time taken and dosage: 45 days100 1X D
Review: It does seem to work it brought me back to earth. That having been said I'm going to stop taking it the side effects are too much especially the lack of motivation and drowsiness. It's a real effort to accomplish anything significant which is a bit of a problem.
Bi-Polar II w/Pyschotic Tendencies
by Reviewer55120
on June 16, 2010
Sex: F
Age: 20.0
Side effects: A little twitchy- But only noticeable to myself.No weight gain, no increased appetite, no high cholesterol, no TD, no headaches, no insomnia, no bad side-effects at all.
Time taken and dosage: 2 years25 MG 1X D
Review: Seroquel has greatly improved my existence. I no longer have hallucinations, delusions, depression, insomnia, nightmares, or suicidal thoughts. Since Seroquel came into my life I have been free and easy to live life to it's fullest. I believe Seroquel, combined with my morning dose of Paxil 20mg has saved my life. As someone said before, Seroquel puts my demons to sleep. 3
Bipolar Disorder, Insomnia
by Reviewer55118
on June 11, 2010
Sex: F
Age: 24.0
Side effects: Overeating, fatigue, no sex drive, feeling foggy, depression
Time taken and dosage: 5 years400 1X O
Review: After stopping this medication, I have been UNABLE to sleep! I have taken several medications (including Ambien) and I still cannot sleep through the night. Seroquel gave me terrible withdrawls and killed my ability to SLEEP!!
by Reviewer55116
on June 10, 2010
Sex: F
Age: 59.0
Side effects: wt gain 60 lbs, hi cholesterol
Time taken and dosage: 3 years400 mg 1X D
bipolar disorder/insomnia/anxiety
by Reviewer55119
on June 10, 2010
Sex: M
Age: 28.0
Side effects: slightly more sleep, and heartburn
Time taken and dosage: 5 months200mg 2X D
Review: this drug has been my savior for me atleast( i know different people handle drugs differently) gets me to sleep good i'll take and extra hour or so of sleep a day over no more than 1~3 hours per day ^.^ and as for the heartburn well it didnt start till i started taking it would probably go away if i stopped drinking mt. dew so much, has completely eliminated my insomnia, my moods are much more stable now and my life has become very carefree and happy since i started seroquel. also taken along with 150mg a day of effexor xr that i take for depression.
Bipolar, OCD
by Reviewer55117
on June 9, 2010
Sex: M
Age: 21.0
Side effects: Loss of Libido, Munchies, Weight Gain, Agitation, Anxiety, Depression, Learning Disorder.
Time taken and dosage: 7 years25 MG 1X D
Review: I was put on this when I was 14, I constantly had to rearrange my class schedules in high school because this medication made me feel sedated the entire day, I was eventually put in home school because I had absolutely no credits by the end of my first year. Seroquel for me did have a huge therapeutic tendency when I took it at the right time but the day after was a completely different story. I would constantly be agitated and fatigued and had a lot of difficulties functioning in the real world. But once I got used to juggling my social life with the side effects things somehow worked out especially when I was taking an anti-convulsant with the seroquel. About a year ago I was taken off of this drug because I had gone from 120 pounds to 160 and was severely anxious and depressed, I then got a balance disorder shortly afterwards and was put back on it and eventually taken off of it again when I noticed that It was making me really moody and depressed.
by Reviewer55114
on June 8, 2010
Sex: F
Age: 30.0
Side effects: Extreme fatigue, clumziness, cannot focus, blurred vision
Time taken and dosage: 6 days 1X AN
Review: My doctor gave me 10 Seroquel pills to see if it would help put me to sleep at night-I've only ever been able to sleep during the day and I hate it. I have 4 left in the bottle b/c I refuse to take them. I only took 1 tiny pill at a time-cannot remember the dosage but I think it was 25? This pill knocked me on my ass. It would put me out for 12 hours at a time-wake up-stumble to the bathroom, attempt to shower or get dressed, and would end up collapsing back onto the bed for another 4 hours. After I'd finally be able to wake up (which was HARD) I was in a fog for the rest of the day. No drug has ever gripped me the way this one has, it is completely overpowering and I have not a small woman. I understand that meds affect people in different ways, but based on my experiences with it, I would never recommend anyone going anywhere near this stuff.
Major depressive disorder
by Reviewer55115
on June 8, 2010
Sex: F
Age: 47.0
Side effects: Tiredness, dry mouth, stomach problems, urinary frequency, urinary incontinence, constant sinus, low white cell counts.
Time taken and dosage: 8 months100mg 1X D
Review: The tiredness near killed me, have found it very difficult to function - just need sleep. I found that abour 15-20mins after taking Seroquel my legs would become restless - I told my psychiatrist, who gave me Valium for that. Constantly fighting off hunger. Terrible wind and stomach pains, and possibly the worst side effect, which I had no idea was a side effect until I weaned myself off them - urinary leakage/incontinence. Gross. I am only 47, and that really killed my confidence. Have only been off it for 3 weeks, and I no longer stink of pee, and have dry duds !I'll have to try and cope with my mind running amok, because I won't have my body doing it ! Also had low white cell counts and kept getting boils.
Bipolar Rapid cycle
by Reviewer55113
on June 7, 2010
Sex: F
Age: 50.0
Side effects: Hair Loss, Rash, Canker Sores, Joint Pain, High Blood Pressure, Vivid Dark Dream, Stupor, Weight Gain, and the List goes on.
Time taken and dosage: 1 years150 xr 1X D
Review: I started with 25 mgs. of Seroquel and worked fine. As with others I too would wake up in the morning to find empty cereal boxes, jars of jam GONE! But my Dr. loved my progess so much he upped the dose again and again. Now that I am on 150mg XR I am $%^$%^$^ @#&* (Swear Words) The last 6 months I have complained of extreme hair loss, a rapidly spreading rash (3 different Doctors couldn't explain it, not even my Psych) joint pain so severe when I get up I have to hold on to furniture and can't sit for more then 15 minutes without being sooo stiff it at times seems unbearable. My legs ache continually, when I am at church I have to leave because of the sweating. I now can add high blood pressure, anemia, canker sores and again the list goes on. What really upsets me is I have been compaining of these side effects for 6 months without anyone helping me. My Dr. is soo pleased with my progress, I am actually stable for the first time in years that he is not listening to me. At what expense is it worth it???? Yeah, having my moods stable is great but so what. I have no life. I look life crap and feel like crap. So what to do now?? Just wanted to let someone else know if they are suffering with the same issues as me, get a second opinion regarding the side effects since my Dr. wasn't aware of all of them are just played mute at my expense.
insomnia, bipolar II
by Reviewer55112
on June 3, 2010
Sex: F
Age: 20.0
Side effects: I woke up daily with food wrappers in my bed and only vaguely remember eating, difficulty waking up for the first week or so.
Time taken and dosage: 2.5 months150 1X D
Review: It worked really well but there are some crazy long-term side effects.
bpd anxiety
by Reviewer55110
on June 2, 2010
Sex: F
Age: 58.0
Side effects: stunned, extremely irritable, hungry all the time
Time taken and dosage: 6 days25 1X D
Review: I feel that my anxiety has lessened. But I doubt I will stay on it because of the irritability factor. I scare myself.
bi polar OCD pain
by Reviewer55111
on June 2, 2010
Sex: F
Age: 57.0
Side effects: Weight gain from 148 lbs(size 12-14) to 183 lbs(size 16). Memory issues both long and short term.Confusion,can't seem to keep linear thought processes, eyesight worsening, have to reason with myself not to eat, no willpower to resist! Very sensitive to sun and heat.Muscle cramps, chest pains, high cholesterol.
Time taken and dosage: 5 years200 1X D
Review: Having listed the side effects, I am willing to live with them, because seroquel has helped me tremendously.I take 200 of the plain each night, along with 2@ 37.5 effexor xr for depression and fibromyalgia-like pains.Within 1 hour, I sleep serenely, and wake refreshed. Sleep, a precious commodity for bipolar people!I must stick to a rigid schedule or the side effects worsen rapidly.I experienced the rapid weight gain when I was put on seroquel XR- I gained 20 lbs in 3 months, and could not sleep.Back to plain seroquel and lost 5 lbs only.I take this med because it has quieted down the psychosis, allows me to order my thoughts, keeps me more even when combined with a rigid schedule.I can do some sustained work without going off the deep end, drive places without panicking, leave my house to do basic stuff, am able to live a more normal life within very confined parameters, have more empathy for others as my own condition is not the only thing in my brain... But, I have yet to complete any major projects, have less ability to concentrate, there is weight gain, it's a trade off because it is a novelty to feel 'sane' for extended periods although somewhat confused, less giving in to whatever crazy urges that have ruined my life, and more happiness, less psychic/emotional pain!I combine meds with a very quiet life.
insomnia, OCD, anxiety.
by Reviewer55108
on June 1, 2010
Sex: M
Age: 24.0
Side effects: dry mouth, nothin' else.
Time taken and dosage: 7 days50 mg 2X D
Review: it is a wonderful antipsychotic to calm your mind, allow u to sleep like a baby and to reduce symptoms of anxiety. be warning to take it before driving, having sex, having exams or excessive work.for the first time, i do not shit an antipsychotic for akathisia or weight gain.
Insomnia / depression
by Reviewer55109
on May 31, 2010
Sex: F
Age: 28.0
Side effects: Rapid weight gain, feeling sleepy all day long,
Time taken and dosage: 2 months25 mg 4X D
Review: It sure helps me a lot for insomnia, but I'm still waiting for effect on depression...
Psychotic disorder
by Reviewer55105
on May 28, 2010
Sex: F
Age: 25.0
Side effects: Always tired,always hungry which is really good cause I'm a 00 in jeans so I'm happy crave tons of sweets dry mouth hopefully that's it!!
Time taken and dosage: 2 days50mg 1X D
for anxiety, depression
by Reviewer55106
on May 27, 2010
Sex: F
Age: 35.0
Side effects: Increased breast size, heart palpitations, some times I get very angry,but it is short lived, problems with spelling
Time taken and dosage: 1 months75MG 1X D
Review: I feel as if I am normal for the first time in about 20 years, my crazy confused thoughts have slowed down and I am able to focus on one topic at a time, I do not have problems with memory loss as I used to. I have had more control of my eating and spending, I can control my impulses. I am keen to start new hobbies, to travel and to spend time with people, and make new friends, before this drug I avoided people and was unable to be in a relationship, I now feel as if I may be able to get back out there and start dating again.
Skitzo Effective Bipolar 1
by Reviewer55107
on May 27, 2010
Sex: F
Age: 29.0
Side effects: weight gain....I gained about a hundred pounds over the years but that was not all seroquels fault. Seroquel has helped me live a normal life. I was on 11 psychiatric medications at one point, trying to stop hallucinations, voices, mania and depression as well as mixed episodes and paranoia.... as soon as I started taking seroquel... I started evening out. Its been 7 years since I was in the mental hospital. I now own my own small business and have been doing very well. It did not cure me... but it sure came damn close... especially when it was added with trileptal. The combination was a miracle for me.....but the minute Im off of them all hell breaks loose. 1 down side.... seroquel messes with my blood sugar levels... makes me crave starch very badly, and also messes with my vision. I think it may also screw with my cognition sometimes If I dont get a full 8 hours sleep i can wake up confused. I suggest taking the XR because its much more easily tolerated (for me it was) and it will
Time taken and dosage: 7 years150 1X D
Review: Good medication. Helped me a great great deal. Not perfect but it sure turned my life around.
to help me sleep
by Reviewer55103
on May 21, 2010
Sex: M
Age: 34.0
Side effects: i was taking serequel 50 mg and the 200 at night that is until my insurance stop paying for it, and now i was forced to start taking the xr, at the time i asked my doctor to wean me off, but she just lowered my dose and hasn't lowered it again since. my problem with it is the tiredness, the stomach problems, and the weight i'm always very hungry after taking it, i wake up in the middle of the night looking for food. so i'm going to talk to my doctor and see if they can wean me off and put me on ambien temporarily, the stomach pain is bad. and not getting any sleep without it is not an option
Time taken and dosage: 5 years150 1X D
insomnia, bipolar,anxiety, depressi
by Reviewer55104
on May 21, 2010
Sex: M
Age: 19.0
Side effects: restless legs, back pain, neck pain, joint stiffness, weight gain, dry mouth, loss of sex drive, forget what i am saying, trouble concentrating, nasal congestion, constipation, heart burn, red eyes,
Time taken and dosage: 3 years150 x2 600 1X D
Review: this has been a wonder drug for me although all the side effects can make you not wabt to take it. it's risk vs. benefit and i will take this drug for the rest of my life reguardless of the side effects because i cannot function or sleep without it. oh! if you are going to have sex, do it before you take your seroque.
Bipolar II/Depression
by Reviewer55102
on May 1, 2010
Sex: F
Age: 25.0
Side effects: Weight gain, hungover feeling, dizziness, MEMORY LOSS, appetite only increases if I take it at night and do not immediately fall asleep. VERY TIRED THROUGH OUT THE DAY.
Time taken and dosage: 1.5 years400 mg 1X D
Review: Seroquel has greatly helped my bipolar disorder and I have had great results with it. However, after a year and a half of being on it I'm still very tired during the day and need to be in bed for a total of 9-10 hours. Still a struggle to get up after that, but if I don't I feel very hungover all day long. I do not experience in increase in hunger if I take the meds when I'm in bed and about to fall asleep. It takes a bit for the meds to kick in, but if I'm already trying to go to sleep, then I don't have the urge to eat something. I would like to find something that doesn't make me as sleepy and will help with my memory loss, not make it worse. But for now, this will have to do.
by Reviewer55100
on April 29, 2010
Sex: F
Age: 58.0
Side effects:
Time taken and dosage: 4 years50mg 1X D
Review: Seroquel has been great for me. I take 50mg at night, it helps me sleep and stops daytime tremors.
Anxiety, depression
by Reviewer55101
on April 27, 2010
Sex: F
Age: 29.0
Side effects: None
Time taken and dosage: 2 weeks50mg 1X D
Review: This medication has not given me any side effects that I have read and heard of. I have neen on Seroquel for about 2 weeks and change. This medication (seroquel 50mg) has helped a whole lot. I take it right after work and it does take a while before kicking in but I am able to function and go to sleep at night. I am glad that I dont have bad side effects I wake up the next day ready to work with out any complications. I have been trying to find some kind of help for years now. I have taken Zoloft and Xanax but nothing. Just recently my doctor gave me Ambien to sleep at night but my anxiety was still the same and my depression. I am currently on pristig and Seroquel and I love it.
by Reviewer55099
on April 26, 2010
Sex: M
Age: 25.0
Side effects: When I haven't had enough sleep I feel grogy for the first part of the day. Dry mouth.Recently(in the last year) I have gained 18lbs. I find that I am hungry ALOT, and I never ate alot.I have a few muscles spasms,mainly in my hands.Constipation. The first 6 to 7 months I was unable to achieve an orgasm. OMG! But it corrected itself, or I wouldn't be on it.
Time taken and dosage: 3 years450mg 1X D
Review: Though there are side effects, seroquel has helped me like no other pill has before. I went through so many pills trying to find one to "fix" me. Seroquel has done that. It controls my racing thoughts at night so I can sleep, and controls my mood swings. Though there are major withdraw symptoms if my perscription is late, it dosen't take but two days and things are normal. I keep a regular check on my sugar because diabetes are in my family. But have had no problems yet. The only problem Is the weight gain. If it levels out and dosen't get to drastic, then I don't care. I would recomend seroquel to anyone needing help with depression,bi-polar,anxiety,OCD. It effects everyone differently, and I think it's worth a try. I can honestly say, if I had not found my doctor and been perscribed Seroquel, Then I wouldn't be here today. Hope this helps.
Bipolar 2/OCD/Anxiety
by Reviewer55098
on April 15, 2010
Sex: F
Age: 29.0
Side effects: Life revolves around sleep (either knocked out cold or awake all night), groggy and sedated, rapid extreme weight gain, increased appetite, diffuculty finding words, slurred speech
Time taken and dosage: 2 years200mg 1X D
Review: I've been on this med for 2 years (started on 12.5mg, now at 200mg SL) At the dose I am at now, I sleep better for the most part, I have not have a manic episode for the whole time I have been on it, and recently my anxiety has been a lot better. I have tried to tolerate it because it seems to work, but I can't tolerate the weight gain and very concerned about the slurred speech.
anxiety, deppression, insomnia
by Reviewer55096
on April 9, 2010
Sex: F
Age: 22.0
Side effects: Seroquel helps me sleep at night, and helps stabalize my moods, and i am currently still taking it. . . The only problem i see with this drug is that my life revolves around my sleeping schedule, i won't wake up without a minimum of 9 hours of sleep. i have tried going off but mentally i can't handle it. . . i have read about long term effects of taking seroquel, some have muscle twitching problems for life. . . Seroquel really does help me, But sometimes i fear that it makes me someone who i really am not.
Time taken and dosage: 1 years100 1X D
OCD/High Anxiety
by Reviewer55097
on April 6, 2010
Sex: M
Age: 28.0
Side effects: none
Time taken and dosage: 1 years50 mg 1X D
Review: I took this drug off label (its meant for bipolar/major depression) at the recommendation of my prescribing psychiatrist. The first few days I had trouble waking up and felt groggy all day, but once I got used to it I felt great. It is the only thing that has been able to calm the racing thoughts that were keeping me up all night. I only stopped taking it because I'm trying to get pregnant, and when I did stop I had no withdrawal symptoms (though I did have to ween off instead of stopping cold).
Sleep / Bipolar Depression
by Reviewer55095
on April 3, 2010
Sex: M
Age: 50.0
Side effects: I'm groggy in the morning and fight off sleep all day. I've tried caffeine (2 to 3 cups of coffee), but that only helps somewhat. I have not noticed any other side effects and have not experienced any weight gain. When reading someone else's experience with ANY drug, ALWAYS remember that your experience may be different. Try something until it's clear that it's not right for you. The drug you refuse might be the one that'll save your life!
Time taken and dosage: 4 months25 mg 1X D
Review: I've been taking Seroquel for sleep/bipolar depression. I have taken 50 mg, 25 mg, and 12.5 mg (split the pill) about an hour before bed and get the same sedative affect at each dose. I absolutely LOVE how it puts me out in about an hour and helps me sleep through the night and HATE that I am constantly fighting off sleep the next day. I'm really not sure which is worse, fighting off depression or the urge to sleep. I may keep looking for something to counteract the negative effects in the morning, because it works so well at putting me out. At these doses, I have not noticed any improvement in my depression.
Bi Polar
by Reviewer55094
on March 31, 2010
Sex: F
Age: 43.0
Side effects: Gained well over 100 lbs on Seroquel, as it made me extremely hungry. Also, it made my mouth so dry that it caused my teeth to rot and I had to get dentures. I used to have beautiful teeth too! If I couldnt get my prescription filled in time, I went into withdrawal symptoms like cold sweats, shakes, irratibility,feeling like I was crawling out of my skin. Then when I started back on it, I was so loopy that I couldn't even stand up. Made me feel like I was intoxicated!!I won't recommend this med to anyone. Had I known this beforehand, I would have asked for something else. Glad Im off of it now, and am starting to lose the weight. I also hear that it has caused others to get diabetes, and pancreatitus, and the maker of this medicine is in a lawsuit on that, as these harmful side effects were hidden before it went on the market. I cant even sue over the weight gain and teeth, as attorneys are only taking cases of drug induced diabetes and pancreatitus!
Time taken and dosage: 7 years900 mg 1X D
Severe anxiety
by Reviewer55092
on March 28, 2010
Sex: M
Age: 44.0
Side effects: I ended up fat and diabetic, and there's good reason to believe Seroquel had something to do with it.
Time taken and dosage: 4 years400 1X D
Review: This drug saved my life. It has some horrible side effects, but thanks to Seroquel I can sleep and I can engage in reasonable conversation. I wouldn't recommend this for everyone. According to my doctor the biochemical basis for my anxiety is a bit unusual so I don't respond at all to the antidepressants that usually help with anxiety. But if you're having no luck at all with conventional anti anxiety medication give this a shot.
PTSD, Depression, Anxiety
by Reviewer55093
on March 28, 2010
Sex: F
Age: 17.0
Side effects: Minor weight loss, some imbalance, odd vision effects, vivid dreams, very sleepy, occasional tics
Time taken and dosage: 2 weeks150 1X D
Review: This drug has made me feel like I am myself for the first time in years. I experienced minor weight loss, like 3 pounds, maybe I will gain weight I don't know, I don't really mind. It gives me the most vivid dreams which I enjoy, though they are strange. I usually remember them very clearly. It leaves me very sleepy, though.
Bi Polar Depression
by Reviewer55091
on March 26, 2010
Sex: F
Age: 47.0
Side effects: Only that it makes me tired
Time taken and dosage: 3 years400mg 1X D
Review: I was on put on seroquel because I was so depressed that I could not sleep at all..I started out at 25mg nightly and slowly increased to 100mg nightly..after about a year I went off of it because my symptoms were not as severe..Then a year and a half ago I fell into a really really dark place...I cried for 2 months, hardly ever stoping..and not sleeping at all...maybe an hour at a time..At that time I was diagnosed with bi-polar depression and started on 400mg nightly and honestly it saved my life..I of course got a good nights sleep the first night I took it and very quickly I started to feel more like myself..I stopped crying and started to have a somewhat normal life..My sister-in-law who suffers from depression also said to me "welcome back to the land of the living" the changes were apparent to everyone around me..I don't think this medication is for everyone, I think it should be evaluated by anyone taking it weighing the good with the bad..Just because it works for some does not mean it will not be the worst medication others have ever taken..
by Reviewer55089
on March 16, 2010
Sex: F
Age: 28.0
Side effects: RAPID WEIGHT GAIN, hungry all the time, zombie like, dulled personality, lackidasical, exhausted
Time taken and dosage: 1 months100 mg 1X D
Review: I am taking myself off of this drug and will never take this medication again. It feels like more of a punishment for bipolar than a treatment. Horrible medication.
Anxiety, Depression, Insomnia
by Reviewer55088
on March 14, 2010
Sex: F
Age: 27.0
Time taken and dosage: 3 years300mg 1X D
Review: Seroquel should be avoided at all costs. It causes horrible and sometimes irreparable damage to people. I have gained 56 pounds in less than three years. It's not supposed to be prescribed to people without auditory/visual hallucinations or severe delusions, yet it is given to people like me suffering from anxiety. This drug causes diabetes and myriad other conditions. There is a class action lawsuit with over 15,000 plantiffs so far. Horrible!
For sleep and to calm behavior
by Reviewer55090
on March 14, 2010
Sex: M
Age: 67.0
Side effects: Trembling, shaking, rigid arms, muscles constantly moving in calves, weakness in muscles, difficulty walking, body jerks
Time taken and dosage: 1 years50 mg 1X D
Review: My husband was being treated by dr. for dementia, unable to sleep, wandering at night, so was given Seroquel to help him sleep and calm his behavior. He immediately began sleeping at least 10 hours, wetting the bed because he didn't wake up. Then he was in a zombie-like daze most of the time, stopped knowing or being aware of what was going on. Staring spells. After 6 months, he began having "body jerks" where he would be sitting holding a cup of coffee and involuntarily threw the coffee everywhere. I spoke to the dr. who asked if I wanted him to sleep or have these jerking spells, he seemed to get angry that I was questioning the use of Seroquel. 3 months later, my husband began taking little bitty steps, having to be assisted, 3 months ago, he began shaking as if he were shivering, he would shake the whole bed. Two weeks ago his neurologist (who prescribed Seroquel) saw him for a routine visit and was shocked at how he had deteriorated and said IT WAS THE SEROQUEL! DUH! He said it could cause rigidity and trembling. He advised me to cut back the dosage to 25 mg once every other day. Guess what! I stopped it. After 3 days the shaking stopped, but he still has the muscle movement in his legs and difficulty walking, not quite as bad, but it's still there. My advice: Don't take this crap, it can affect you in ways you never dreamed of, maybe long term, I will have to wait and see. This stuff is as lethal as rat poison.
by Reviewer55087
on March 12, 2010
Sex: F
Age: 33.0
Side effects: High as a kite felt like I was in lala land, couldn't for the life of me get out of bed and stayed in there for 48 hours. Short term memory loss where I'd forget what I was doing or what I had did. I'd stand there at times and stare in to space for a while for the life of me I didn't know what I was doing. Hangover felt like I'd been drinking copious amounts of alcohol and with that came nausea. Becoming a bit to slow in my movements like when I was driving.
Time taken and dosage: 1 weeks50mg 1X D
Review: I refuse to take this drug,fortunately the drug I'm taking hasn't given me insomnia again, yet. I already have some side effects from other drugs I'm taking and don't need anymore. I was wondering how I'm going to function in a job, the medication I'm taking now isn't that great for long term memory and to make things worse seroquel is bad for my short term memory. I was saying to myself that I'd get fired in the state I was in. Took 1 50 mg tablet first then went down to 25 mg because I felt like I was high on drugs, nice feeling but I can't live like that forever and 25 mg didn't put me to sleep. Not going back on it either going to tell the doctor that when I see her, there's got to be a better option.
Gen. Anxiety and PTSD
by Reviewer55086
on March 10, 2010
Sex: F
Age: 52.0
Side effects: Zoned out episodes, memory loss, not able to think complex thoughts right after starting higher dose from original 12mg, then 25mg then last amount, twitchy fingers, toes, eyes, irritable, nightmares, crazy dreams, feeling of dread upon waking, could only sleep 3-4 hrs. but felt sleepy dopey all the time, nasal congestion at night very severe, more depressed, weight gain, can't hold conversations within first 2 hours after dosing nor talk about feelings unless it's anger or rage, freaking out more not less, talking in sleep, lack of personality, disoriented, difficult swallowing mainly at night, restlessness in limbs and generally, odd muscle movements, very grumpy in mornings, can't get out of bed easily, bad tempered more, horny but no drive to do anything about it
Time taken and dosage: 3 months50 1X D
by Reviewer55085
on March 8, 2010
Sex: M
Age: 23.0
Side effects: Some of the side effects that have occured for me while taking this drug caused me to lose mu focus most of the time. I was on it for treating Bi-polor 1 and then was placed in the XR form of the drug. It seemed that my memory was suffering the most, throughout my treatment over the years. I found myself to lack the ablilty to focus on my studies as a Quantum Physics Major in school. I would have to get up early in the morning for school but found myself hungover from the side effects of taking the drug rather early. I have been on the drug as high as 600MG but found myself hearing voices and seeing things that were not there so I had to taken off the high amount and placed on several other drugs including depression meds and other stablizers. It does cause stomach pains sometimes when I take it at night so I have to watch what I eat. It was also a rumor according to the main website that the drug could cause eye issues and other means of physical side effects such as kidney or blood i
Time taken and dosage: 4 years200MG 1X D
depression/ sleep problems
by Reviewer55084
on March 4, 2010
Sex: F
Age: 44.0
Side effects: I seem to be constantly tired/exhauseted during the day with great difficulty getting out of bed in morning (which i HAVE to do to make sure son gets breakfast & off to school) & often go back to bed during day, sometimes for most of day. Have increasingly found it difficult to get to sleep at night & think i am now dependent on this drug to get to sleep. I need to take it ~7pm & if take it later i get major hangover - grogginess/headaches etc in morning & if I don't go back to bed during day will end up with migraines. If i don't take it, it takes me hours to get to sleep, I get wierd vivid dreams & wake every few hours (sometimes wide awake after 3-4 hrs sleep - feel tired, but can't get back to sleep). Have not been able to hold down a job & seem to just get more & more depressed.
Time taken and dosage: 4 years25-200mg 1X D
Review: I initially was prescribed seroquel when i experienced problems sleeping (after being prescribed venlafaxine for depression). I did not feel well on venlafaxine (up to 400 mg daily), nor lots of other meds, mainly due to constantly feeling tired & unable to cope. Nothing has helped me to get my life back together after initially being diagnosed with Post Natal Depression over 8 years ago. Have recently tried bipolar meds - lithium (Priadel 800 mg) with & without venlafaxine, then Lamotrigine (Mogine 50mg twice daily +37.5 mg venlafaxine) but felt that these meds just dulled my senses & made my really apathetic (not happy or sad, just kinda zombified).I have lots of sinus problems (dust mite allergy + food intolerances (salicylates & dairy)) which got worse post-natal / worse with depression. I take sinus meds (loratidine 10mg twice daily + butacort 100 aqueous nasal spray 2 puffs twice daily).I have just (after reading comments on this website) convinced Dr (4th psychiatrist I've been to) to prescribing an alternate = zopliclone, even thou I have experienced similar 'hangover' effects with it in past, now she says to just try taking 1/2 x 7.5 mg tablet.Has anyone found anything better to take? Any advice/comments would be appreciated, please feel encouraged to email me since I'm feeling very disallusioned & disappointed with Dr's so far.
Bi-Polar w/severe anxiety and panic
by Reviewer55082
on February 24, 2010
Sex: F
Age: 39.0
Side effects: Fatigue, extreme sleepiness,weight gain , heart problems , heart attack, hypothyroid.An inability to stabilize my moods or make clear decisions after taking a dose.
Time taken and dosage: 7 years550mg 1X D
Review: I believe though this is one of the only meds that I have tried and I have tried many that stops the racing thoughts it is extremely hazardous to your health and the side effect are not all clearly listed.It has helped me with 1 thing but caused me so many other problems it doesn't equal out.
by Reviewer55083
on February 24, 2010
Sex: F
Age: 72.0
Side effects: Made me terribly anxious and at times suicidal
Time taken and dosage: 40 days25 mg. 4X D
Review: Was suppose to help with depression taken along with Zoloft
insomnia, severe depression
by Reviewer55081
on February 22, 2010
Sex: F
Age: 39.0
Side effects: memory loss, rage, uncontrollable anger
Time taken and dosage: 1 days50 MG 1X D
Review: First of all, my system is not typical. When I took this drug it was to get a good night sleep. I passed out for about 4 hours during which my 6 week old was screaming right next to me. According to my husband I did not even stir. When I awoke after a few hours on my own I continued to become aggressive and extreme anger set in. This is all according to my husband as I do not remember anything that happened that night or the next 24 hours. I said cruel and horrible things to my husband to the extent that he was going to have me committed and file for a divorce. I was appalled to hear everything I said to him that night. I would never, never, never take this drug again as it almost ruined my marriage after one dose. It took about 24 hours to fully get out of my system during which I gave my newborn a bath and did not even remember doing it. It was almost like I missed an entire day. Very, very, very bad drug!!! I would rather not sleep and be depressed than hear about the horror I put my husband through and not remember the next day.
Bi Polar / Sleep
by Reviewer55078
on February 14, 2010
Sex: M
Age: 43.0
Side effects: Minor weight gain,
Time taken and dosage: 2 years400mg 1X D
Review: This medication has really worked well, it allows me to sleep through the night and keep my mind from racing allowing me to better focus on what I am doing. I would highly recommend that you at least try this medication.
bi polar 2
by Reviewer55079
on February 12, 2010
Sex: F
Age: 47.0
Side effects: calmed me but tired all the time
Time taken and dosage: 3 weeks300mg 2X D
I couldn't stay asleep all night.
by Reviewer55080
on February 9, 2010
Sex: F
Age: 59.0
Side effects: I don't have any that I know of.
Time taken and dosage: 4 years75mg 1X D
Review: Seroquel doesn't make me sleep. It lets me sleep. It quiets my brain so I can sleep. I don't wake up during the night any more. Before using it, I hadn't had a good night's sleep for years.
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