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ZOLOFT (SERTRALINE HYDROCHLORIDE) reviews and ratings reports


Reviews 1185
Votes 1185

1 (Dissatisfied) - I would not recommend taking this medicine.
2 (Not Satisfied)- This medicine did not work to my satisfaction.
3 (Somewhat Satisfied) - This medicine helped somewhat.
4 (Satisfied) - This medicine helped.
5 (Very Satisfied) - This medicine cured me or helped me a great deal.

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depression, anxiety
by Reviewer29242
on July 2, 2010
Sex: F
Age: 30.0
Side effects: weight gain!
Time taken and dosage: 5 years150 1X D
Review: I gained abt 50 lbs while on this. Ive finally lost the Zoloft weight but as I try to lose more weight I wonder if the drug is making this harder by affecting my metabolism.
by Reviewer29243
on July 1, 2010
Sex: M
Age: 31.0
Side effects: Really bad dry mouth, decreased libido, erection problems, decreased appetite, delayed orgasm
Time taken and dosage: 2 years100 mg 1X D
Review: Taken on and off for 2 years or so. Been as high as 150, now take 100. Its VERY important to not miss doses for it to work.Positive: Improves my mood, less obsessions and dwelling on things, the decreased appetite and delayed orgasm are positive side-effects, I can drink alcohol without any issues.Negative: I think it may actually make the compulsions worse, the decreased libido and erection issues are a real bummer, stopping it caused me to feel like my heart was skipping a beat along with a feeling of light-headedness.
by Reviewer29244
on June 29, 2010
Sex: M
Age: 47.0
Side effects: During initial startup, I experienced dizziness, nervousness, diarrhea, and even a kind of visual tracers effect such as one gets with LSD! Once the drug has reached full effect, these promptly subside. Subsequent side-effects include loss of sexual arousal and diminishment of performance (takes longer to orgasm). Dry mouth. Sweets cravings. Also, a certain blunting of affect happens. Cycling-off can be dire, causing extreme mental and emotional confusion.
Time taken and dosage: 10 years200mg 1X D
Review: ZOLOFT has generally been a good, useful drug for me. It sort of greases life, so everyday interpersonal transactions and stresses go much more easily; tasks dont seem quite as onerous and daunting. My depression is not usually sad thoughts and crying, but rather manifests itself with oversleeping, overeating, and a mean, cranky, bitter attitude towards everything. Depression makes thoughts a jumble, a dark foggy cloud, and its hard to read literature (you keep re-reading the same passage over and over again). ZOLOFT helps tremendously in clarifying my thoughts and reading ability. It lifts the daily mood wonderfully. One side-effect is a certain blunting of affect: sure, your lows are reined-in; but also your joys and happiness and creative afflatus are also blunted. The Shiny-Happy People syndrome. Still, worth it. (unlike, say, DEPAKOTE where the side-effects hugely outweigh any possible benefits)
OCD and Anxiety Disorder
by Reviewer29245
on June 26, 2010
Sex: F
Age: 45.0
Side effects: Anxiety, dry mouth, tremors
Time taken and dosage: 6 years100 MG 1X D
Review: I was really surprised that Zoloft is prescribed for those with anxiety disorder when it actually CAUSES panic attacks in the beginning of treatment! I took Zoloft for OCD and Klonopin for panic attacks and to counter the caffeine effects of the Zoloft. If I took Zoloft prior to going to bed, upon just opening my eyes the next morning Id go right into a terrible panic attack. As I awoke, I could feel my body start to tense up readying for an impending anxiety attack. It was horrifying! I started taking the Zoloft in the morning with Klonpin and then going to bed taking only Klonpin and no longer had morning anxiety attacks. For the initial first few weeks I felt as though I was on loads of caffeine. If I held out my hand, youd have seen it quivering. That side effect subsided about three-four weeks in. I didnt notice any improvement in my treatment for OCD for about 6-8 weeks. From others Ive talked to, that seems to be the norm. I took Zoloft off and on until 2001 (pretty much quit on 9-11 because I kept forgetting to take it anyway!) I noticed that as I weaned myself off of it, I would startle easily and have this feeling of electrical shocks or zaps shooting down my arms to my fingers. This fun side effect lasted for at least a year or more AFTER completely being off the Zoloft.The Zoloft worked wonders on the OCD to the point where I havent needed meds for years. well, except for flying. I take Klonpin for that! ;)
Depression & anxiety
by Reviewer29246
on June 24, 2010
Sex: F
Age: 27.0
Side effects: Weight gain (significant), TMJ, poor sleep, excessive drinking of alcohol, zero sex drive, uncontrollable yawning
Time taken and dosage: 1 years100 mg 1X D
Review: When I first started taking Zoloft I noticed right away a decrease in anxiety and my anger levels dropped almost overnight. But after about 9 months it didnt seem to do much of anything besides make me want to get drunk all the time and eat. Going off Zoloft has been HELL. It must be done in the slowest manner possible. When I went off it too fast I became so dizzy I could barely walk and my speech was slurred like a drunk. I also had crying spells. Im finally down to 12.5 MG every other day. and hoping to be done for good by next month. I would not recommend this to anyone.
Severe Depression
by Reviewer29247
on June 20, 2010
Sex: F
Age: 21.0
Side effects: Migraines; absolutely NO appetite; no sex drive; hard time falling asleep, yet tired all day.
Time taken and dosage: 10 months75 mg 1X D
Review: My migraines were tapering off until I started taking Zoloft. This is why I had to discontinue use of this medication. I literally had to make myself eat because I was never really hungry at all. Sex drive completely went away and was extremely frustrating. This medication was alright, but the side effects got in the way of my life too much.
Obsessive Compulsive Disorder
by Reviewer29248
on June 18, 2010
Sex: F
Age: 60.0
Side effects: I started on 200mg/day. Effective for OCD also eliminated anxiety. Had brain zaps and Restless Leg syndrome that affected the whole body causing a constant need to flex and move muscles. Had Muscle pain also, diagnosed as Fibromyalgia, I suspect that the muscle pain was a zoloft side effect.Decreased to 25mg for the past 5 years. Less effective for OCD, some obsessive thoughts break through but can be tolerated. Anxiety is back but mild enough to ignore. Side effects much better. Restless leg syndrome only occurs at night, and not every night. I can sit quietly and knit for long periods of time. No brain Zaps, muscle pain much less.25mg gives me a tolerable balance of treatment and side effects.
Time taken and dosage: 18 years25 mg 1X D
Review: Its been impossible for me to stop this drug. I can decrease it slowly but when I get down to half of a 25mg pill I cant seem to get lower. Ive tried shaving off tiny bits of the pill over 2 week intervals but my body seems hyper sensitive to the decreases. I get a recurrence of OCD and anxiety, with the addition of anger, depression paranoia and irrational thinking that make me impossible to live with. The symptoms are worse than they ever were before I ever took Zoloft. Once I decided to simply stop it at the 12mg point and tough it out. I ended up in the hospital-- a psychotic episode. Worse than anything I ever had before Zoloft.
Moderate Anxiety and panic attacks
by Reviewer29249
on June 16, 2010
Sex: M
Age: 20.0
Side effects: Slight dizziness a couple of hours when first taking it, frequently desiring for short rests throughout the day. Slightly harder to orgasm.
Time taken and dosage: 4 months100 MG 1X D
Review: My doctor gave me 25mg of zoloft to start with because I began having severe anxiety and frequent panic attacks. The 25mg did lessen the encroaching day to day anxiety a bit, but I was still far too anxious for comfort. After a while my dosage was upped to 100mg which has lowered my day to day anxiety by a moderate amount. I have had few side effects, but I have noticed that if i miss a couple of doses I tend to get into crying fits about my anxiety. I still have panic attacks, but they are much less frequent.
Anxiety, secondary depression
by Reviewer29250
on June 9, 2010
Sex: F
Age: 35.0
Side effects: Initial side effects minimal. Horrible withdrawal effects! Acute effects include dizziness, vertigo, panic attacks, severe mood swings,extreme fatigue, crying spells, nausea/anorexia. Long term effects (noticed since trying to wean 5 years ago) include tinnitus, muslce/joint pain, fatigue, cognitive dysfunction including memory loss, headaches, GI issues.
Time taken and dosage: 7 years50mg 1X D
Review: I have been on one SSRI or another for almost 20 years for anxiety and depression secondary to anxiety. I am currently on Zoloft and have made 4 attempts at weaning down SLOWLY in the past 5 years. I would seriously caution anybody who has anxiety and/or mild depression to not take SSRI/SNRIs lightly. I do believe there is a place for these types of medication when lifestyle and therapy fail, but as a first line of defense I say NO!!!
Anxiety, Panic Attacks, Bi-Polar II
by Reviewer29251
on June 6, 2010
Sex: M
Age: 40.0
Side effects: Not many, slightly reduced libido.
Time taken and dosage: 15 years100mg 1X D
Review: It really helped me get through some bad times in my life. Ive been taking it every single day (in the AM), for over 15 yrs. No major issues to report. It seems to work well, especially when I first started taking it (takes ~ a few weeks to take effect).
social anxiety, depression
by Reviewer29252
on June 3, 2010
Sex: F
Age: 31.0
Side effects: loss of libido, loss of interest, severe withdrawl symptoms
Time taken and dosage: 8 years100 mg 1X D
Review: Never take this if you are Bi-Polar!!! My doc didnt bother to find out if I was. It worked GREAT for a few yrs. could speak in public, less moody. then gradually I began to rapid cycle. mood swingin, that is. Now withdrawls symptoms are muscle spasms, anger, rage, severe depression. Im now trying to find a new psyc to help me get on the right thing for my cyclothymia. Omega 3 are a life saver!!!
by Reviewer29253
on June 2, 2010
Sex: F
Age: 54.0
Side effects: Anger, a desire to do something bad to someone, lash out at other people.
Time taken and dosage: 5 monthsDK 1X D
Review: This drug made me feel angry like I wanted to hurt someone. I had been going to the local Mental Health Center, they prescribed it, when I started feeling angry I went back to tell them I didnt like the way I was feeling, but they didnt want to hear that. They wanted me to keep taking it, said if I was level, that was what mattered. At the end, they put me with an old doctor who looked 80, all he wanted to talk about was a list of herbal medicines Id given them at the start as some Id used. When I tried to talk about the anger, he brushed me off, went back to the glucosamine/chondroitin, Echinacea, St Johns Wart, said I should never take anything an MD had not prescribed. I tried to tell him I wasnt taking any of them right then, & that they were sold thru drugstores, he wouldnt listen. I gave up in disgust. I went off Zoloft myself & started feeling better within a week. The anger went away.
by Reviewer29254
on May 29, 2010
Sex: M
Age: 50.0
Side effects: Night terrors, brain zaps when quitting it
Time taken and dosage: 1 years50mg 1X D
anxiety/depression/social phobia
by Reviewer29255
on May 29, 2010
Sex: F
Age: 23.0
Side effects: body and brain zaps (arms/hands legs/feet torso face and inside mouth) nausia for the first few weeks, severe weight gain, severe bouts of depression, sucidal thoughts and actions.
Time taken and dosage: 17 months150mg 1X D
Review: although the zoloft seemed to help the mood swings and made me feel more rational at times the rest of what it did to me was HELL. i was on 50mg a day while i was pregnant after being told there was no other medication i could take during pregnancy and breastfeeding, after having my baby i was severely depressed by the time he was 5 months old. by the time he was 8 months old i ended up in a mental health unit at the hospital where they put my dose up to 100mg for a week then to 150mg after that. 2 months later more severe brain/body zaps to the point where i thought i was going to faint, then suicide attempts. very very low moods and ended up in close observation at the hospital again where they took me off the zoloft cold turkey but told me there are no available appointments with a psyc for 3 months. i now have worse body zaps from withdrawls and am constantly suicidal. my mood swings are extremely unstable and sometimes so violently quick i am considering admitting myself again. i would NOT take zoloft EVER again.
insomnia, anxiety, depression
by Reviewer29256
on May 21, 2010
Sex: F
Age: 30.0
Side effects: less food cravings, less manic-like passion for music, entertainment, artwork
Time taken and dosage: 1 years50 mg 1X D
Panic disorder
by Reviewer29257
on May 19, 2010
Sex: F
Age: 40.0
Side effects: At first: some diarrhea, bit more anxiety. After 2 months, weakness in limbs. But less anxiety by then. Appetite returned, able to eat, go out in public.
Time taken and dosage: 7.5 months18 mgs. 1X D
Review: I started at 2mgs. Low and slow is the way to do it. Most dr.s want to give you high doses to hurry up and get well. Thats not always better. Dangerous, in fact. He wants me to be on 100mgs! But 25mgs made me a bit more anxious and weakness in limbs. I have found my theraputic dose is about 18mgs daily. Now I dont have any side effects, but it was sorta rough the first few months. But I had panic attacks really bad and this has helped a lot actually. It also has helped some with OCD. It helps take the edge off. I take the generic. Havent had to use my Xanax for awhile except for occasional insomnia. I do get restless legs sometimes as I try to fall asleep. The weakness in limbs is either better or I am used to it. Cant tell. Odd. Overall, this seems to be a good SSRI and would compare it to Lexapro. I have only gained about 3-4 pounds in the past 7 months and thats just because I am more relaxed and my body isnt burning the food up from anxiety. BUT, I know how these meds do to peoples weight and I am watching it carefully!!
by Reviewer29258
on May 19, 2010
Sex: F
Age: 45.0
Side effects: It made me anxious and gave me insomnia, then it stopped woerking
Time taken and dosage: 4 years 1X D
Severe Depression
by Reviewer29259
on May 12, 2010
Sex: M
Age: 44.0
Side effects: Insomnia, feeling spacey, difficulty concentrating, weight gain
Time taken and dosage: 3 weeks30MG 1X D
Review: The insomnia was the worst - I did not sleep for about a week. I cut all caffeine from my diet (which had not bothered me in decades) and the sleep improved. Ive put on about 5 lbs. I cant focus for very long on anything. I hope I can convince my doctor to switch me to something else that I can afford.
by Reviewer29260
on May 9, 2010
Sex: F
Age: 24.0
Side effects: Feeling spacey, anxiety, feeling drugged, paranoia about drug effects (is that a side effect or a me effect?), mild visual disturbances (I wouldnt call them hallucinations - I saw my blinds moving at night when the window was closed, and my ceiling looked farther away than it should).
Time taken and dosage: 2 weeks50mg 1X D
Review: I was only 16 when I took zoloft. I stopped taking it because I felt weird.
by Reviewer29261
on May 8, 2010
Sex: M
Age: 64.0
Side effects: none
Time taken and dosage: 100 2X D
Review: Taking it for years
by Reviewer29262
on May 4, 2010
Sex: F
Age: 32.0
Side effects: only side effects when missed doses - dizziness
Time taken and dosage: 5 years200 1X D
Review: it helped me get somewhat less bad from the depths of a very bad time of depression, but remained dysthymic. recently have gone off the drug because im feeling better due to exercise. i guess my advice is - if youre constantly mildly depressed, exercise may work better than an antidepressant drug.
by Reviewer29263
on May 2, 2010
Sex: F
Age: 31.0
Side effects: lack of feeling in genitals
Time taken and dosage: 3 years100mg 1X D
Review: impossible to become aroused
depression, anxiety, PTSD
by Reviewer29264
on May 2, 2010
Sex: F
Age: 46.0
Side effects: IBS symptoms, recurring awful upset stomach cramps and diarrhoeaalso felt desperately depressed after 6 weeks on it
Time taken and dosage: 10 weeks50mg 1X D
Review: I had a rough time on this. dreadful problems with my whole digestive system and often needing to rush to a toilet, on a few occassions I almost didnt make it.The Dr encouraged me to stick it out saying it should ease off in time but it hasnt so she has thankfully agreed to take me off this drug and change me onto fluoxetine. fingers crossed!
Anxiety disorder & depression
by Reviewer29265
on April 25, 2010
Sex: M
Age: 45.0
Side effects: Starting dose of 50mg kept me up all night as though I had drunk a pint of coffee but side effect stopped when halved tablet to 25mg ( apparently sub theraputic dose ? ) 25 MGS works well for me with no side effects. Sex drive not much diminished. Not gained any weight and rarely need sleeping meds any more. So far so good !
Time taken and dosage: 4 months25mg 1X D
Review: I think an improvement on FLUOXETINE which I took for ten years until it pooped out. I still have some obsessional anxiety but combined with CBT I think this drug works well even on a very small dose. Im generally less irritable and impatient and rarely have trouble sleeping as I did with Prozac. I was surprised that the psychiatric believes the dose to be sub-theraputic but long may it last !
by Reviewer29266
on April 25, 2010
Sex: F
Age: 14.0
Side effects: None
Time taken and dosage: 4 years30 1X D
Review: I take it for severe IBS because they say the cells in your brain and stomach relate. My stomach is actually been less sensitive. Ive also noticed that im not in a cloud anymore, though i never had depression, it still made me a little more cheerfull.
anxiety/panic attacks/social phobia
by Reviewer29267
on April 14, 2010
Sex: M
Age: 29.0
Side effects: Huge withdrawls if stopped suddenly, too much energy,adhd symptoms,restlessness,sexual problems until starting remeron 30mg at night then noticable effects on anxiety, still very social phobic, appitite gone until staring remeron
Time taken and dosage: 35 days50mg 1X D
Review: didnt help much, remeron helped more, discontinuing due to losing weight, but remeron helps with that
depression, OCD.
by Reviewer29268
on April 14, 2010
Sex: M
Age: 24.0
Side effects: acute restless leg syndrome. a nightmare.
Time taken and dosage: 7 days50 mg. 1X D
Review: it also can be a good drug for OCD, but it was impossibile to sit still. weird. try to take low dose citalopram, its just better.
Depression, anxiety
by Reviewer29269
on April 14, 2010
Sex: F
Age: 33.0
Side effects: Long-term use of SSRIs (not just this one) caused Serotonin Syndrome, which included incontinence. Stopped once I went off them, restarted when I restarted them, so it was definitely them causing it.
Time taken and dosage: 1X D
Review: Im fine now that Im off them, but these drugs shouldnt be on the market in my opinion. Avoid if possible, or only take for a very short time if you do take them.
panic attacks due to ativan withdrw
by Reviewer29270
on April 13, 2010
Sex: M
Age: 40.0
Side effects: Severe brain zaps and nightmares. Complete loss of appetite. Severe, intractable insomnia. Depersonalization and derealization.
Time taken and dosage: 2 days75mg 1X D
Review: Should be pulled from market. Nearly killed me, no exaggeration. 18 months so far trying to recover. Felt like I was getting electroshock and defibrillator simultaneously. Non-stop, bizarre yawning motions. Special place in h*ll for makers of this drug.
depression, anxiety, social anxiety
by Reviewer29271
on April 6, 2010
Sex: F
Age: 26.0
Side effects: extreme fatigue, weight gain after increased from 50 mgs to 100 mgs, increased hunger, craving sweet foods, no ambition, no creativity (I am a writer so that was the worst.)
Time taken and dosage: 2 months100mg 1X D
Review: The first month on 50 mgs I noticed about a 5 lb. weight loss (yay) but no relief from anxiety. Still depressed. Doc increased dosage to 100 mgs and I began feeling very tired and depressed after about 2.5 weeks on 100 mgs. Anxiety gone but felt like a Zombie. Going off to try generic Wellbutrin. I dont think Zoloft is a bad drug but I just think its not a good match for my needs.
by Reviewer29272
on March 29, 2010
Sex: M
Age: 44.0
Side effects: trouble achieving orgasm.but that has gotten betterslight decrease in sex drive.or that may be just getting older??
Time taken and dosage: 5 years100mg 1X D
Review: Zoloft really has worked out well for me. No more anxiety just walking in a room full of people. Depressive epsisodes are far and few between now.
anxiety, depression
by Reviewer29273
on March 14, 2010
Sex: F
Age: 25.0
Side effects: sleepiness, sweaty, a little emotionally numb
Time taken and dosage: 1 years50 mg 1X D
by Reviewer29275
on March 6, 2010
Sex: M
Age: 48.0
Side effects: Sexual side effects. Virtually impossible to ejaculate
Time taken and dosage: 4 weeks100mg 1X D
by Reviewer29276
on March 3, 2010
Sex: F
Age: 53.0
Side effects: Somewhat unmotivated-- love the medicine but have gained serious weight!
Time taken and dosage: 2 years150 1X D
by Reviewer29277
on March 3, 2010
Sex: F
Age: 25.0
Side effects: Tired, dry mouth, dizziness on occassion
Time taken and dosage: 14 days25 mg 1X D
Review: For treating major depression. Started with 25mg for first 2 weeks, started with 50 mg for next 2 weeks. Not really doing better yet. Heard that 100 mg is the typical dose for treatment, but have to gradually increase dose to lessen side effects. Havent started therapy yet. Maybe it will help.
Depression and anxiety
by Reviewer29278
on February 23, 2010
Sex: F
Age: 27.0
Side effects: vivid dreams, loss of sex drive
Time taken and dosage: 7 months100 mg 1X D
Review: I took this drug for 2 years when I was 19-21 years old. At that time, I found that it rapidly pulled me out of depression and eased my insomnia until I built a tolerance to that dose and had to have it increased again. Nowadays, they call that SSRI poop-out and will lower, then increase your dose, as opposed to putting you on higher and higher doses until you are above the therapeutic level (as my psychiatrist did with me). At the time I never experienced sexual side effects or noticed that my dreams were unusual. I slipped back into a deep depression in June and went back on Zoloft this July. It was honestly a lifesaver. I was no longer irritable, labile, anxious, or irrational. I finally got back into a normal routine of sleeping, and I lost all interest in alcohol (it seems I like to self-medicate when Im depressed). There were other positive changes too. I felt calm, optimistic, and smiled all of the time. Unfortunately, I gradually lost all interest in sex. I am in the process of tapering off this medication and introducing remeron, which is notorious for causing extreme weight gain. Fat and horny, or thin and asexual. These are my choices?
by Reviewer29279
on February 22, 2010
Sex: F
Age: 20.0
Side effects: When first started, jitters, anxiety, extreme.alertness, for lack of a better word, all of which cleared up after the first week. Extended side effects: jaw clenching (this was a weird, unexpected reaction), extremely vivid dreams, intense withdrawls if dose is missed more than two days.
Time taken and dosage: 1.5 years50 mg 1X D
Review: Zoloft has turned my life around, though I can see it not working for other people. The jaw clenching took me by surprise, and its been odd working on avoiding it. The dreams dont bother me so much, but for others that could be undesirable. I am a completely different person since I started this drug, all in a good sense. Its not to easy to get on to, but if you can get past the jitters that it induces, you should be fine. The only major problem I have with this drug is the withdrawl symptoms that occur if you miss your dosages, or, I assume, while youre coming off the drug. If I go more than two days without taking it (forgetting, unable to take it.), I experience severe weakness, lightheadedness/nausea, depression, irritability, impatience, lack of motivation or interest, and jitters. Other than that, this particular drug has worked wonders for me; Im happy for the first time since I was fourteen. Zoloft for me has been a way to get back on a level track, and now that Im in a good metal state, Im getting close to solving the problems that caused my depression in the first place, and am moving closer to a point where I can come off the drug permanently. If youre taking Zoloft, I hope it works for you, and the best of luck to you with whatever youre facing.
Anxiety Disorder
by Reviewer29280
on February 21, 2010
Sex: M
Age: 47.0
Side effects: memory impairment(impaired concentration and forgetfulness),sweating, coldness of hands and feet
Time taken and dosage: 5 months50 mg 1X D
Review: I had been taking Zoloft for past 5 months for anxiety and panic attacks.It took a while to take effect 4-6 weeks. It was somehow helping my condition but the side effects outweighs the benefits. Personally,there are many side effects, the most significant is the memory impairment(impaired concentration and forgetfulness) the reason why I stopped.If you just have anxiety disorder explore Buspar and 5 HT, which have very little side effects with me.
Anxiety and depression
by Reviewer29281
on February 11, 2010
Sex: F
Age: 49.0
Side effects: None and I am the type of person who frequently gets side effects.
Time taken and dosage: 10 years100 mg 1X D
Review: This drug has been a godsend to me. I have no complaints.
social anxiety
by Reviewer29282
on February 6, 2010
Sex: M
Age: 21.0
Side effects: decreased sex drive
Time taken and dosage: 2 months50mg 1X D
Review: definitely helping but not 100% yet id say im about 75% better and it feels great i have been on it for almost 2 months i feel more excited about life now in general i wake up happy and find excitement in things unlike before where i found it hard to enjoy things i lived a dull life basically and got nervous easily i also take ativan as needed and it is a great combination i also find it easier to focus while im in class which is a great relief because i used to be tired all the time and couldnt pay attention overall i am really happy with the effects of this drug
by Reviewer29283
on February 5, 2010
Sex: M
Age: 18.0
Side effects: lethargy, back pain, shoulder pain, motor tics
Time taken and dosage: 6 days 1X D
Review: It did not cure my mood swings and 3 years later I STILL have motor tics.
clinical depression and migraines
by Reviewer29284
on February 4, 2010
Sex: F
Age: 30.0
Side effects: Constantly had the feeling that I needed to move some part of my body (tapping my foot, shaking my leg), jittery.
Time taken and dosage: 2 months20 MG 1X D
Review: I felt like this medicine got me half way there. That it was helping, but not totally, and the side effects were outweighing the benefits. I am a pretty calm person and the jittery feeling was overwhelming to me. I was on Zoloft and Elavil for a long time in college and that combination seemed to help more. Zoloft was also suggested to help my migraines (which are very frequent and moderate in pain), but I did not notice any relief on that front.
Depression and anxiety
by Reviewer29285
on January 19, 2010
Sex: F
Age: 27.0
Side effects: Initially - zombie like feeling, no emotions, intense yawning; Ongoing - extreme fatigue, ZERO sex drive, chills (i.e. feeling like someone is walking over my grave. not cold chills), TMJ (from clenching jaw at night)
Time taken and dosage: 1 years
Review: Ive been taking Zoloft for a year. During the first month or so I noticed a definite decrease in my anger and anxiety. However, after a few months, I feel like all I want to do is drink. Im still depressed pretty bad and that has yet to go away. My anxiety is more under control, but not gone. Im thinking about upping my dose and going to AA for the drinking. It seems like Ive become an alcoholic since starting Zoloft. I have NO sex drive and am always tired. I also get bouts of suicidal thoughts.
by Reviewer29286
on January 16, 2010
Sex: F
Age: 21.0
Side effects: restless,shaking
Time taken and dosage: 2 years
Review: felt very happy i like this much better than elavil
Depression and Anxiety
by Reviewer29287
on January 13, 2010
Sex: M
Age: 29.0
Side effects: Initially, loose/frequent stools, sweating, teeth clenching, insomnia with daytime sleepiness. Paradoxical wakefulness combined with drowsiness. Greatly reduced daytime appetite. A roller coaster of side effects depending on the time of day. Side effects have now virtually disappeared.
Time taken and dosage: 4 months
Review: This medication took a very long time to take effect, my doctor was considering switching the medication. Now it is finally working after reaching my theraputic dose of 100mg. My doctor moved me very slowly to this dose. Noticably relieves my depression and anxiety, plain and simple. Initital side effects were difficult, especially since I was feeling no benefit. Be prepared for a long wait for this medication to start working.
Dr said
by Reviewer29288
on January 12, 2010
Sex: F
Age: 23.0
Side effects: Became suicidal, weight gain, loss of sex drive, dry eyes, dry skin
Time taken and dosage: 3 months
by Reviewer29289
on January 10, 2010
Sex: F
Age: 31.0
Side effects: weight gain and jaw clenching
Time taken and dosage: 5 months
Review: The first 3 weeks of Zoloft (25mg), the anxiety had pretty much subsided (the clenched feeling in my chest was gone! what a relief!) but no real difference (some good days some bad days) with the depression. Moved up to 50mg. At the end of 6 weeks I still felt no difference but my best friend and boyfriend both said they noticed a difference and that I seemed to take things in stride better. Moved up to 75mg. Here- sometimes I felt more depressed, lethargic, and would get upset at things that normally wouldnt upset me, or felt too whatever happens is fine Went back down to 50mg 2x a week, 25mg5x a week. Slowly I noticed my mood feeling better. Feeling happier. More easy going. Also, my feeling of being able to trust others improved (guess I had mild paranoia that I didnt know I had). I love the effects of this med, except that now I am noticing weight gain (7lbs in last 2 mo.)thats not coming off with diet and exercise, so I am switching to Wellbutrin SR, and hopefully will have success with my mood and get back to a body fat % I am happy with.It gets a 4 because of weight gain and how long it took to work (2 months). Otherwise, its a 5.
suicidal depression
by Reviewer29290
on January 8, 2010
Sex: M
Age: 25.0
Side effects: apathy
Time taken and dosage: 1.5 years
Review: While I would rather not go on zoloft again, it certainly was very helpful in the past. When I began it, I was so anxious and depressed that anything to dull my emotions would have been helpful. I did not experience many of the negative physical side effects that people often describe. I stopped using it because I felt like I had been cured but since then have had brief spells of depression that were as bad as anything Id ever felt and Ive come to appreciate what the drug did. The only reason Im not rushing back to it is because, in retrospect, it definitely gave me what I think was a slightly counterproductive ability to tolerate negative situations. There were many situations that I look back on and think, I handled that well and the drug helped. But there were also situations that I handled terribly. While on the zoloft, I was sexually harrassed by an older gay man and didnt do much to put a stop to it. Sometimes I think that, if not for the zoloft, I might have done something to stop the situation. Instead, I just passively waited for him to eventually stop.Another thing I should mention is that it took a long time before I noticed any change. It must have been at least a month.
by Reviewer29291
on January 5, 2010
Sex: F
Age: 28.0
Side effects: Jaw clenching, night sweats
Time taken and dosage: 1 years
Review: Inability to perform my job at work lead to me taking zoloft. It helped tremendously in terms of being able to focus on the job that needed to get done and not get frozen in a panic of anxiety. My sex drive did go down slightly, but not horribly. I was on 100mg and have gone off starting Jan. 1 and the only side effects so far are very vivid dreams.
Severe Depression
by Reviewer29292
on December 23, 2009
Sex: F
Age: 31.0
Side effects: dry mouth (only at first), restless sleeping (Id sleep for a few hours, then wake up - repeat) low sex drive
Time taken and dosage: 2.5 years
Review: I started taking 100 mg of Zoloft about 2½ years ago and it completely ceased my horrible suicidal thoughts. For that, I am grateful. However, the low sex drive is a frustrating side effect. Under a doctor’s supervision, I lowered my dose to 75 mg about 5 months ago and I believe this has helped.
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