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Online Pharmacies Reviews & Ratings & Scam Reports review 9 review - is a legitimate online pharmacy - has reviewed and determined that it meets standards for online pharmacy safety and legality. Reputable online pharmacy and reasonable range. Customer service is responsive, a good source for brand and generics medicines. has partnered with an international shipping solution to bring many of the top selling products in the united states to customers all over the world. one of the largest online drugstore and pharmacy. has been verified as a legitimate online pharmacy by

Pharmacy title
Best Cialis Store
Reviews 3
Votes 3
Pharmacy description Our online pharmacy is the ideal resource for people to get their discount drugs with no prior prescription needed (prescription drugs without a prescription). At our drug store, you pay less and get more. Brand Cialis - Tadalafil is a drug used to treat ED (erectile dysfunction/impotence). It was developed by ICOS and marketed by Eli Lilly under the brand name Cialis. Generic Cialis means using other name for the Tadalafil ingredients.
Screenshot of has been captured on Jun-29-2012 review
Country France, FRA (FR)
City Roubaix
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10 review
by Reviewer100600
on June 19, 2010
Ordered Cialis in late January. Arrived 3-and-a-half weeks later without a problem (you have to sign for it--no big deal). Comes 4 to a blister pack--bunch of them just stuck inside packing envelope. Product works as advertised. Just be patient for delivery.
8 review
by Reviewer100628
on April 2, 2010
I'm a first time customer and received my Cialis order a few days ago. The order arrived quickly and well within the average delivery time indicated on the website. I tried the pills out already and they work great! I have no problems giving Cialis Store a very positive review.
10 review
by Reviewer100601
on February 3, 2010
I was very skeptical, this being my first online pharmacy order. I just didn't feel like paying $15-$20 for one Cialis tablet. So I put in a small order for Tadalafil Soft Tabs to test the waters. Seventeen business days (Mon-Fri) later, I received my order. Nice blister pack from Cipla Inc., with batch number, expiration date, etc... I'm very happy. And the product, well what can I say but...BOING! Overall a very positive experience. Addendum to my 3 March review. Submitted by the reviewer on March 5th On my review from 3 Mar, I said the Soft Tabs came from Cipla. They actually came from Aurochem. Just wanted to clear that up. The first dose I took seem to work fine, the next time didn't work so well. Maybe I have to adjust my doseage. We'll see..
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